šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 2)

Annnnd the thread is gonna die in 3ā€¦2ā€¦

Have you seen the good news!!!

We are getting 40k bronze!!!


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Im pretty sure i know who they actually are btw.

You be ashamed if you knew.

Might even open ur eyes to certain things.

And froggers get their cloak nerfed :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Iā€™m sorry for the froggers but Iā€™m loving that Iā€™ll get 40k


Are you? Are you really?

61 new responses here. Though most of them were skimable as they were pretty much the same thing.

Warhammer 40,000 Bronze? Wut? :thinking:


Hah, you wish.


Blue post link


Looks like she made a good charge to the front!

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Heā€™s a compulsive liar who simply wonā€™t accept that people donā€™t believe him anymore even if he does say something that may be true. Ever heard of the tale of ā€œThe boy who cried wolf?ā€

No, but heā€™s merely reaping what he sown.

Ive said this to you before. I would NOT go there if I were you. Because itā€™s Blizzardā€™s policy on their forums not to discuss actions I could tear you apart in seconds by showing everyone the emails I get from Blizzard when they silence me. I have some belters you started.

Your stories stink of manchausen Syndrome, or at least, you remind me of the kid who no one really knew hanging around the popular kids interjecting now and again with a story to try and make yourself look interesting, instead of doing the obvious and being yourself.

Some examples?

The Fire Door episode.
Your little tantrum with Ananda when she very helpfully tried to explain to you that not everyone shares your interests, but you decided that was a personal attack and decided the posters in this thread all had a secret clique. How very DARE anyone not share YOUR interests about weightlifting!!

Do we see you posting about how you share the same interest when I post about my dogs Roscoe or Fergus, or Alagondar when he posts about rock bands?

Behave yourself.

Your latest one being how you were so childish and stupid as to brag about wandering around on a very sunny hot day then acting all surprised like youā€™re the first person itā€™s ever happened to in getting a sunburn then telling everyone how you jumped in a cold shower to cool down.

The WORST thing you could have done!

I lived in Florida for over ten years pal. Only complete and utter morons deliberately expose their bodies to the UV sunrays.

Grow up and put your damn shirt on, a WHITE one, and if you do get burned next time, donā€™t be an idiot and jump in the cold shower, you know what that does?

Iā€™ll help you out.

It washes away your bodyā€™s natural cooling, sweat, it dries out your skin because it simply runs off your already damaged skin, your skin reacts to that sensation by trying to generate more sweat but because youā€™ve burnt your skin it canā€™t get through, so because your skin has ALREADY dried out because you baked it slap on as much moisturizer as you can.

Are you even aware that the skin is possibly the most important organ of your body because it is exposed to the most danger at all times?


The meltdown you had when called out on your story making when BeefyClown still posted, and you manipulated him and other people into doing your dirty work for you.
And youā€™re trying it even now with

Are you really so arrogant that you think people will simply flag a post on your behalf just because it displeases you? How vain can one person be on a VIDEOGAME FORUM

Yes. isnā€™t it just.

No because if you actually took the time to READ the replies and who replies to him, most of the forum has him on ignore.

Well re read what I posted at the start.

he is not your personal tool to flag people. By doing so both he and you are breaking the rules and are subscribing to the pathetic myth of ā€œthe Secret Forum Flagging Discordā€

Or do you miss Beefyclown?

You couldnā€™t even BEGIN to attempt that chum. Youā€™re not the forum tough guy you think you are.

Then you can take the punishment if Blizzard decides you did so out of spite.


then tell me soul? after all this time ā€¦what did twiggz do to deserve this all after all this time?

Like what is he supposed to do?

Whatever he didā€¦ You have chosen condemnationā€¦ witch is a severe and ultimate punishmentā€¦ Was he really deserving of it?

Heck why havenā€™t I received it too? I would think you all hate me ten folds more than him.

I havenā€™t even been to the Timeless Isle if Iā€™m assuming they are referring to the frogs who stack the insta kill poison, I remember they were also farmed mercilessly when MiP TI was current.

But 40k will be nice, Iā€™ll spend it on the remaining mounts I need for my 500 achievement if I donā€™t get it before, then Iā€™ll likely spend it on armour mogs.

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Yeah where we used to charm farm, that was a good source of threads/bronze/etc. Some people farmed for many hours to get a really powerful cloak with super stats.

Those are the people who will be affected. I have no idea what the cut off will be.


Replyed to you sometime ago during evening to you saying liking the sound of sea. I also like the sound of seagulls and waves and mostly the whole concept of spend time somewhere by the shore with all the sounds and smells of it, mostly salt and seaweed. :slight_smile:

Good weekend for all and wish that everyone can have peace of mind somewhere with whatever it is that they find it with.

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Ooo thatā€™s beautiful :star_struck:

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He mans up and stops posting such blatant attention seeking lies.

If he does I for one will be glad to take him off ignore and converse civilly with him.

But as it stands. he is quite content to play the victim. There was no need, NO NEED WHATSOEVER to throw a childish strop with Ananda and try to say the forum all had a vendetta of deliberately not being interested in what he was interested in. Did it never occur to him that people genuinely DIDNā€™T care he spent a lot of time lifting weights?

he knows what he did. I have already explained it. I can go right back to when he first decided ā€œI can copy this story but make it a hundred times more interesting even if itā€™s completely made upā€

It all began when I casually said that a younger than me co worker at my old job Morrisons was surprised I was older than I looked when I was shaved and I noted her obvious disappointment.

I can choose whatever option I want.

On a videogame forum? Outside of this forum I give absolutely zero hoots about the vast majority of posters, as Iā€™m very confident most other posters are with me.

If theyā€™re not. They should seek professional help.

To my mind yes he was.

Why would you? No one has mentioned you. Are you specifically looking for it? If so. Iā€™m not going to simply oblige you just because you asked.

Youā€™re not that important.

No one is.

You can pack the ā€œoh hate meā€¦ go on. No really. I want you toā€¦ā€ right now.

Itā€™s pathetic, itā€™s childish, and you should be better than that. if youā€™re not, and you still ā€œwantā€ people to utterly despise you, then you have issues I can neither help you with nor will I indulge you.

Nice!!! On tuesday ill take my prize!!