🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Or the good ol’:
“I won’t take these pain meds they told me to continue taking since I’m not currently in pain, because I’m still under the effect of the previous pain meds”.
Surely I won’t wake up in the middle of the night in tremendous agony this time.


The plastic fishing lure looking boxes with weekdays writen are commonly joked but I can tell one could be handy :joy:

I constant forget even on same day if took some pain meds on morning or not thats writen to take 3 day, and Im thinking did I take one for morning/day or not. I cant feel any effect from them anyway or other theyre too weak, the pains there take any pills or not its just to reduce inflammation and trying keep track of not take too much and do more harm on long run.

The pill boxes is just one of those things I will always be too cool™ for and will never admit how great they are!
I will die on that hill!.. Probably due to forgetting my pills ^^


It is possible, Im too lazy to get one of them I put mark on paper at fridges door but then I forget to do that sometimes aswell so its not really effective way of keep track either :joy:

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Please eat the cookies! Heres one warlock that plays the talent that I get healed on the amount when others eat my cookies, so by helping yourself you help me aswell. You might help some other wlock by it too not just me. Think of the wlocks :dracthyr_a1:

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I’m honestly surprised at how many people here take pills regularly.

I took an ibuprofen, like a year ago.

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Just count your blessings then, I used to be like that too but by end of 2022 get hit by autoimmune condition causing constant pain and inflammation so what other options do i have than start eat pills. Its just rng, and never get over confident of ones health either. I were in excellent health and now I can barely walk for days hike or sit for hour with no pain. If one hasnt got anything cursed on them then lucky for them but should know it could happen to any of us.


I’m on HRT, so I kinda have to take them regularly. =D

As for Ibuprofen, last time would be maybe a month ago.

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Hope all of you with early access has done your pre-prep for food and caffaine.

Oh don’t get me wrong. You’d probably do not want to switch health with me.
But considering what a mess my body is; I do have relatively few serious issues. :sweat_smile:

You kinda don’t have a choice when you’re diabetic and have infection in your foot…


Im wondering what if doesnt have early access, we dont get hero talents yet and we cant level past 70 so i guess we dont play in same instances like get in same battlegrounds. Would be funny if had to play against ppl with hero talents when self get them later

No, those would be different level brackets (if they’re doing things as per usual anyway).

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Sheesh, they’re making Hero talents seem way cooler than they actually are. :sweat_smile:

Be grateful you have no reason to take anything. :dracthyr_heart:


Well I wouldnt wish rheuma or any other illness to anyone but I wouldnt mind get rid of mine either as its preventing me from working or continuing anything in my life as my hobbys i had for past 20 years beside playing, anything else I used to do is over and I have to accept it that I will not run or climb or lift or do any physical activity like used to. Cant know what weight other ppl are carrying and wouldnt want switch places with anyone In any case. Ppl can carry trauma even if its not physical, not everything is visible. We all have our cross to bear as they say :dracthyr_a1:

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Dk and wlock hero talents seemed pretty cool, the one that enables dk mounted combat and the one for demo that gave them more big demons to summon seemed like big game changers. Im mostly waiting on those but Ive not looked much into all of them either yet.

Just shame demonology will not be much use in solobg cause pet ai but the mages spellslinger also looked decent even tho it didnt actually have anything remotely as cool as the dk riders of the apocalypse and lock diabolist had. Youre right some of the hero talents were just passives of somekind but I also saw these that change gameplay alot and imo looked cool, I like the diabolist of demonology alot as concept. Its a demo warlock and it summons army of big demons :man_mage:

Think TWW opens at 11pm U.K. time today, might be passed my bed time though.

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Monday for us who bought the basic edition

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