🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Get out. Go on! Out.

We do NOT mention that film here


I go out before it gets too dark, its noticeable were quickly into winter already. Its 20:00 currently and almost pitch dark outside, have to take headlight for walk :smiley:

This is actual footage of Soul…


runs away really fast


Tha’s it!! Ahm seehk o’ yoo an yir constan tahkin the mick. Ootside!! Now! Ah’m gonnae mak yoo eat thae wirds an that wee gif an then mak ye beh me a fish supper cis ahm seeck o mingin hospital food…

My cars handbrake keeps getting stuck after its been parked, its fun to stop side of road constantly to wiggle one of the bolts back and forth behind one of the rear tires to loosen it on that tires brakes where it gets stuck. Need to change saddles and whole rear brakes with plates but gosh thats alot of effort. This particular problem I just fix with a wrench to wiggle one bolt for second and its loosen up again :joy:

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You’d be arrested in the UK if you were caught driving a car with dodgy brakes :grimacing:

Not to mention its a very stupid and reckless thing to do, not only put yourself in danger but other road users.

Make sure your vehicles are roadworthy people!!!

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Yeah but the Fins are all super skilled rally drivers.

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Hes not in a rally though and normal cars dont have roll cages.

Ive driven a car in a rally and while it takes immense skill and the very best co ordination with your co driver at the top level I have seen what misjudging your own ability xan do. And whats happens of you put too much trust in your car.

Get your brakes fixed dude.

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I get your point, I was just being flippant :grinning:


Should get you one of these bad bois

Place it behind the tire and you good!

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Oh I know but its an issue of public safety, not just alythena’s.

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The “Life Plus Cindy” vibes are very strong reading this… I hope you don’t get stranded at the Circle K. at 3 am. :eyes:

Seriously, please get that car fixed.

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Its an old car and the parts are old and it has easily passed inspections every year and will next winter aswell, however im replacing the whole brake system come next summer.

It is one part that gets stuck because the part is old and if handbrake is left for parked for several days example, then you pick can of wd40 and spray on the bolt and wiggle the part and it loosens and handbrake is loose and wont affect the vechile in any way whatsover.

This is the part if interested or someone have similar case with handbrake that ever found stuck, basically you need to wiggle the part from that bolt on the lever to loosen it and some wd40 on it will help.

Theres no problem with handbrake not holding, the problem is on the part being old and getting stuck if the car has been parked with handbrake on for while :smiley:

Theres really no danger or problem here, no need to worry guys :slight_smile:

Dont know who that is, hopefully it is not an insult however. Im an old trucker and I know my way around cars and droven many types of vechiles I wouldnt put anyone in danger. This has been blown out of proportions honestly :slight_smile:

I once dated a guy who bought cars for £60… he claimed they weren’t dodgy even though he had to “wiggle” parts to make them work effectively.

Cars are complex machines and if there is a bit on them that needs wiggling in order for it to work properly, it isn’t working as intended! Get the thing to a garage and it get it fixed.

It is just an handbrake mechanism on the rear that gets stuck on right sides tire if car has been parked for long time with handbrake on, its easy to losen with wd40 and wrench from the part itself thats found behind the tire on the back. And once done it doesnt affect brakes or the vechile on road in anyway.

Car has passed every inspection with 90% score from 100 for brakes and there has never been any mention of anything that would need be replaced, I somewhat know my way around cars and I replace the parts myself when its time. I dont pay to garages I do these type work myself and been doing for roughly 20 years or so.

Im replacing the entire brake system on back next summer. There comes one yearly inspection around winter which doesnt cause issue with this. Its just one lever on back that gets stuck if its been parked for few days with handbrake on and its very easy to loosen if one knows what theyre doing :smiley:

If anyone ever finds handbrake jam thats the part that one can look for however, its behind each tire under car on the brake saddle. Can turn the lever left to right from the bolt on the middle and it loosens it and you make sure it returns with the spring and its on position that the handbrake isnt on.

I’d give it a good ol’ deep clean with a steel brush and/or replace the the return spring.
I ain’t spending 80 something bucks on new calipers if ain’t gotta :sweat_smile:
Or I’ll use the rock. Handbrake can’t get stuck if I don’t use it :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Serious people are serious :grin:
Personally I trust a driver in a broken down nissan more than one in a shiny modern volvo.

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Lol were just normal people like everyone else :joy:

Statistically we drive alot old cars however, dont know if its the hefty prices of new cars here compared to other european countries or what but statistically our roads are filled with really old aging cars, and could say many fins are used to do minor stuff on them themselves cause garages cost an arm and an leg and old cars start have alot parts that take looking after time to time so we get used to it.

For example simple work like replacing copper tubes from engine to go through cars base to each tires garage wanted charge me 900$ to get it done but I did it for 120$ myself. Another could be exhaust pipe that shops want 250-500$ but I can do it for the price of the part for 80$ cause its just open bolts and put new part in. Break saddle changes would cost somewhere from 500-600$, but I do those myself for the price of the parts for around ~300$. But this is same in everywhere in world I believe that garages charge alot cause the hourly wage.

Oh I repair most things myself if its replacing parts that are cheaper than buying a new thing, my last such household machine example I took open 4 times to replace some weary parts that break eventually before I bought a new one, technically everything is just open a bolt and replace the part. But the saddles are becoming aging and I want to replace them and plates with them as I tear it all apart so might aswell change all for same effort. Now if only we could fix humans as easily as machines :joy:

Like this? I knew I had done it in other saddle and had pic of it somewhere :smiley:

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Guess what machine this is, photo picture guess what the object is, its likely found in every household :smiley:

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Ye and mainly the brake caliper (I think it’s called that in brit-speak). I’d brush away all the build up and grime on hinges and spring. Grease up the slide pins and exercise the handbrake doing 30km/h -ish.

My guess is you’re replacing or re-attaching the belt on a washing machine? :grin:
Washing machines, dishwashers and plumbing is the worst. They always break when they’re full of nasty water that you either have to empty out or it spills out because of the breakage.
Either way you always end up with a mop in your hands :dracthyr_cry_animated:

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