🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)


Gotta tweak vcore till find stable for start, trial by error. Atleast theres no much dangers with cpu. Gpu is different, its possible to fry into bookend if not careful.

i just pay some guy to build a pc for me every couple of years, £6k and i dont need to know what the parts are as long as it works. never have any lag or issues so its all good.

Today’s cake is a simple Victoria Sponge because they are omnomnommy and have jam! I’m in a jam phase.


Blueberry porridge for breakfast before heading out to drive see relatives in Helsinki :dracthyr_a1:

First cake you’ve posted that I’d eat :dracthyr_nod:

It was amusing (to me) that the first two you posted are both ones I don’t like :dracthyr_hehe_animated: The Red Velvet one in particular was funny because a friend always raved about it then we had some and no one at home liked it. My ex begrudgingly ate it because he didn’t like the idea of waste. I was more than happy to bin it.

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Waiting breakfast pic with wish for good morning, I got up early :dracthyr_hehe:

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Not the breakfast pic I hoped for but now I know what day it is, got surprised of the reset on wednsday cause I thought it were monday :smiley:

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Just for you

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Uuh so many goodies I see salmon, black coffee, kiwi, sausages with bacon and even some granola with berries. Thats a breakfast :dracthyr_heart:

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So you hate the cream cheese buttercream I guess.

slams head into screen



It was just vile on cake. But good news, that means there is more for you!!!

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It will all be gluten free cake anyway, and most people don’t like it :dracthyr_crylaugh:

That breakfast looks a-ma-zing. I’m now officially breakfast hungry.


Wayy too much food for me at breakfast…

Yeah whatever you say gutlord.

Oh… Can someone tell me why the bosses in the Infinite Dragon dungeon are easy to solo yet I get blasted to smithereens by the trash… Those 4 packs between Blight and Iridkron are so annoying…

I guess this message is sponsored by presbyopia club !

I just like to annoy as many people as possible and as often as possible. Its why everyone loves me.

The ladies anyway.

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I can’t read without my glasses ! Feelin’ like an old man !

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