🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

I blame peoples confusement on weekdays that there is none announced in GD for this week, ive not seen single one :dracthyr_a1:

You just gave me an advice for a name! Topazio (Italian for topaz). Thanks! :dracthyr_a1:


That does fit the earthen diamond theme

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I’ve been so busy playing the game, I’ve only recently found time to forum much. But Iv’e done five chars now so should have more time for forums. Think I’ve seen all the new things!!!

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We have somewhat of situation with the weekdays starting to slip…

Also topazio rhymes with Orazio (Italian variant of Horace) and kinda sounds like topo (Italian for mouse).
Sounds fun! :dracthyr_a1:


Medusa? Eek!


Im waiting they make full void themed hair effect on void for that goddesses look

On the Belgian coast it was full with dead jellyfish everywhere on the beach, near the water (they are called “medusa” in Italian). Now I get why nobody was bathing there. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Theyre called meduusa in Finland aswell we just add one extra u :joy:

Related to that have I told of my friend meeting another player in mmo called dransik greeting him with a question “u magic?” that my friend reply “u is not a word” (cause his a grumpy) which the other player now shouted back “ofc I am not a word!”

This timeless classic has just been summoned:

Some of jellyfish are immortal I believe, they can regenerate even better than trolls in wow :joy:

“Megaera is the one to the left of the tower, in the right raves Alecto and in the middle Tisiphone”

“With their palms they beat their brows, with their nails they scratch their bleeding breasts, and such wails came from them I stayed close to the Souldefiler overawed”

“And they looked down on me and with harsh voices cried ‘Call Viziosa that she may change him to stone, too lightly did we let Marmar go free!’”

She wasn’t actually the baddy she was made out to be, very traumatic origin story…

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Yup. Zeus once again, be a bit of a bad man.


Might be good hollywood film made out of it, like braveheart of the scottish tale

i guess it is in italy too. its full of leone\leonardo and sofia here


I saw theres new comedy with jeff goldblum playing zeus. I bookmarked it to watch later in netflex

Interestingly jellyfish are called “medusa” or similar in all Romance, Slavic, Finnish, Greek and Hungarian languages, but not in Germanic ones. You learn something new every day! :dracthyr_a1:

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And Finnish and Hungary are brother languages when all other countries surrounding us speak other types of languages :dracthyr_nod:

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