🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Not even close, but you might be able to guess it as a swede yourself from the clues I gave :scream:

But Nisse would be fun name as it means gnome/elf, had a collegue named Nisse. Its also fun to listen when people speak half words in swedish and other half in finnish :smile:

Cool in all meanings for the word!

Ye, I cant exist out long in this heat, I start fight it like the polar bears wiggling against global warming :dracthyr_a1:

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One of the best movies ever, if only for the completely random and utterly unexpected Brian flying into space, being involved in a space battle and walking out of a crashed ship to…

"Oh you lucky [redacted]


But then again, some women could be just as bad. Minos’s wife… Hera… Dejinara… although to be fair Dejinara did have some justification and Aphrodite, who if she wasn’t having an affair with her brother was starting wars and cursing an entire Island so the women became so evil-smelling to their men the women killed them all

Dejanira sorry not Dejinara

She was indirectly responsible for murdering her husband Heracles after being ferried across a river by Nessus the centaur he tried to abduct her but was shot by one of Heracles’ poisoned arrows. Nessus gave Dejanira his poisoned blood shirt telling her if she ever doubted Heracles’ love to give him the shirt, which Heracles later put on after falling in love with another woman and dying in agony.

So were Hera, Dejanira, and Nessus avenged.


Minos’ wife Pasiphae of course being the mother of the Minotaur, although she was cursed by Poseidon. So yeah…

The Greek gods were pretty much the [redacted] lol


I couldnt see we at oidipus yet :scream:

I’m watching Serie A football match Venice-Turin, Venice has two Finnish players: Joronen and Pohjanpalo. :dracthyr_a1:


Strong Finnish names :smile:


I only knew Litti Litti Litmanen but he too old to play anymore :smiley:

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Oedipus? He was not so much a legend as more the family focus of a Greek poetic tragedy.

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Comp stomp is not fun when the bots are overpowered and you can’t even 1v1. Somehow we still manage to win, at least.

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Oidipus is the New Jersey version :dracthyr_nod: They read it whilst drinking cawfee after walking their dawg.

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Helps that the bots are so predictable that it’s hard to lose.

Well, it helps if everyone doesn’t just try to rush stables.

Just people expecting the bots to be as easy to kill and hold back as the previous times and then get surprised when it doesn’t work this time.

lol the ai is taking over, protect John Connor at all cost :smiley:

Sadly not that Brian …

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I ding 77 I can soon join the resistance against the bots, human must prevail :smiley: :fist:

Tell me about it. The story of my life …


FARSCAPE 25th Anniversary 24/7 Marathon

Something to watch while leveling. Enjoy great ones. As far as I can tell this is the offical Farscape channel @FarscapeOfficial.

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