🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Pouring rain today so its good day for hot soup and check out LOTR The Rings of Power season 2

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Love that spoon, is that to stab the host when the soup is cold?

“This soup is cold!”

“Yeah! SO? What you gonna do!! Stab me!?”

"picks up spoon and rubs the handle



Good afternoon, just been out to lunch, was fabulous


It do look kinda odd for a spoon. Also brutal tale for an afteroon lunch :joy:

The dinner has sort of odd name from Finnish as siskonmakkarakeitto which would translate into sisters sausage soup which come from the sausage used on it, siskonmakkara(sisters sausage), its the products name and reads on any label that we purchase from store.

Its cheap everyday common dish, this how it looks from store before its boiled :smiley:

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I grinded out 3 chapters of the level 80 TWW in quest line, just got the 4th to do. Also did heroic on my Prot War.

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Im 79 on first toon and doh I just now realised that the frostfire bolt of frostfire hero replaces frostbolt. Also frostfire looks fun that it gets 2 barriers and can play talent that heal from shield abbso, like lidl version of the shadowlands mage.

Oh, 4 real?
Frostbolt switching with Frostfire bolt changes a lot about how I originally planned my mage. Was kind of hoping I could avoid hardcasting as much as possible.
I will assume frostbolt talents will still work for frostfire.

Yeah I was first going spellslinger but then I realised that you get 2 barrier from it and can do like lidl version of old triune ward with healing talent from shields. Its all instant, its just ice lance, comet storm and frostfire bolt when instant proc, the hero also increases your mastery and haste. I think its most fun of them for frost. Comet storm dropping meteor also from it feels fun. My healing from one bg.

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You’re play the SoD mage healing spec but on retail :sweat_smile:
But that’s nice. So far I’ve got the impression casting will not be very favorable, so the less I have to do it the better.
Is Frostfire a huge chunk of your damage? Wondering if Ice Form could be worth it. If it’ll work with Frostfire bolt that is.

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nah man its just ice lance, you drop glacial and ray too, just take comet storm and the buff for it. frostfire bolt you throw when you get instant for it and comet storm drops meteor and theres baked in living bomb on ice lance and also gives you brain freeze proc, theres alot of fun synergy and everything is instant. :smiley:


Oh that’s worrying.
I smell inc Ice Lance nerf
We can’t have nice things now can we

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Dont need to cast if ice lance does 1mil, it hits more than your casted spells :smile:

Ill switch to arcane when they nerf this, it already does more burst and is more tankyer. Just harder to play than spam ice lance and one school. Play frost with frostfire and have build ready for arcane as sunfury and your prepared when its hammer time :smiley:

Have it between Arcane and Frostfire Frost currently.
Used to love Arcane but it’s been kind of clunky to play since SL and I’m not a fan of them making arcane missiles clearcasting only.
We’ll see. Mage is pretty low on my to-level list. Frost might be nerfed, buffed and nerfed again by the time I level it ^^

Yay, finished all 4 chapters of the story. Got both my VDH and Prot War to enough ilevel to do heroics


I tried out arcane while leveling, they changed it alot from df. I think the design were good now, its just not as simple as pressin ice lance that hit 1mil but it still does more burst when setup it :rofl:

lol it’s getting really bad reviews. Apparently worse than Season 1, if possible.

I didnt put merrit to them in season 1 either, the reviews that bashed season 1 bashed it for reasons that didnt affect me. It got bullyed by social media for reasons that I didnt let affect my experience, amazon poured huge budget on it and everything from story to acting were atleast 8/10 imo and also its lotr so its by default good if like the theme :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

That’s quite an achievement :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Ppl just needed to have little more imagination :smiley:

tbh, the Peter Jackson movies were a million times better.