šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

All the movies and serie have been good so far, only thing I didnt play long was the mmo cause I had wow and wow beats all other mmos, but I do find its macgyver themed magic of throwing burning pinecones to be funny :smiley:

I tried to get into BDO, but i didnā€™t get it. People are addicted to that, but it didnā€™t click.

oh i havent tried that one, i only really liked war line most of any other mmos beside wow, it had bright wizard with strong theme and great design for class mechanics as firemage and goblin shaman were funny healer or solo roamer.

Oh and ESO was quite fun too.

yeah that could be, tww looks too fun atm atleast for me. I know Ill have fun with half of my classes with solobg/blitz and Im kinda enjoying leveling professions too. If they still make mmo from warhammer wow will have strong contender, I like the humour and lore :smile:

Seems that people are waiting for Ashes of Creation, but it doesnā€™t look that great to me

it dont have war greenskins :smile:

I figured out why Earthen relate with me so much. It will be hard not maining one, even if I had no initial plains to do so. Interesting how some things are a surprise sometimes. :dracthyr_a1:


Ya be likinā€™ crunchy rocks and molten brews?


Or beards?!

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Also not all wizards have beards even if its usual :smiley:

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Iā€™m liking them because they donā€™t have that repulsive and ridiculous Scottish stereotype voice.

however voices Moira is either from the Borders thinking sheā€™s from caithness or more likely some American who once heard a Scottish accent on youtube and copied that

I mean who on earth in Scotland says ā€œI donā€™t to want nae do thatā€

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Itā€™s very personal, letā€™s say I found a deep meaning that connects me to them. :eyes:

I found someone talking about it on the US forums, not feeling like opening a thread about it, but if someone else will do that, I will join the conversation for sure. :dracthyr_a1:

Itā€™s the way they talk, the way the function overall. Very close to home.

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Sunfury for arcane! I remembered wrong argh, frostfire for frost and sunfury as backup for arcane when the hammer hits frost :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:

DMF up, donā€™t forget to grab the reputation and XP buff.

Also donā€™t forget the Professions Quests, yielding +2 skill and 3 Knowledge pointsā€¦ though youā€™re better off leaving to the end of the week with your skill higher then or is in the 80+ region when itā€™s a crawl.

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Good to be prepared for that inevitable hammer ^^
Iā€™m leaning towards spellslinger for Arcane. I do like the arcane orb and more alter time shenanigans.
Also it feels more thematic and Iā€™m a sucker for them looks. :sunglasses:

I was just looking what these instants from this frostfire bolt hit when it procs from ice lance or some other spell, 520k were bigest so far and rest 450k, that probably counts as fire and frost too so you gain both mastery and haste from it.

Not too bad tbh.
Once ice lance is a wet noodle again Iā€™m going to try my original plan and with the added knowledge you gave me.
Glacial spike followed by instant frostfire bolt empowered by(if it does)ice form.
Closest I think I can get to my old pom-pyro mage xD

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I loved the tier 2 set from bwl

Oh god i just saw first of those but i also think ppl afking. Every other comp stomp end in 5min or so, you just go cap 5 base and it ends. I went cap lm and farm alone and watched 5-7 ppl ā€œdefendā€ stables, almost half bg was afk, then they started cry why it hasnt end yet or why its 3-2 or why bots are capping basesā€¦ 5-7 ppl afk since start and then the same people start cry later why it isnt end yet. But I got my honor set now Im done with it.

Good, becuase itā€™s a great set :dracthyr_nod:


Merciless is the greatest mage set and probably the greatest set in the game! Ever!
ā€¦And Iā€™ll fite irl behind the school gym any buckaroo that claims otherwise

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