šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Feels like theyā€™ve hit levelling hard. Takes ages to get to 80 now, even spamming dungeons

Ive noticed when you hit a certain level the exp gains get cut. I was 76 in the first zone and the exp dropped 50%. I hit 77 in the second zone and it went to 75%

Iā€™ve been watching Matilda in the theatre today with 2 daughters and 1 grand-daughter. Was fun to see it again though not my favourite musical.

Hmm. Donā€™t know why itā€™s showing me as L71 when Iā€™m 73 ā€¦

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You need to log out and back in again and it will show your current level.

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Thank you - Iā€™ve not had to do that before but itā€™s now right

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Its in interesting looking location, were there alot people over when you visited. These remote shelters shared area usually have nice mix of people for interesting conversations hear things from others perspective that hadnt perhaps imagined yet. Kinda like playing mmo and meeting people from all around world from any thinkable occupations, what is concept of countries anyway to people who spend time in same internet, its almost nonexistent from that perspective, or in a place where you meet people from around world in a remote location for shared space. I like that the more remote the location the more insignificant the concept of nationality or politics come, just ppl who meet and have to get along and everything else is kinda meaningless :smiley:

Well good night pirates! 04.09. is getting closer! :dracthyr_a1:


what happens 4.9?

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Ahh right, we get to make the new race :smiley:

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I got apple pie and pizza on doggie bag that ill try really hard not to eat over the night while watching some series


Your nan makes some great lookinā€™ and hopefully great tasting food!
That pie looks like itā€™s from an old cartoon ^^

I would be jealous but my local liquor store finally stocked up on some on Minttu! I donā€™t have any pie but Iā€™ll make do with some spicy cocoa :+1:

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The restrain is not going so well, I already ate one of the pizzas and half from the other slice and also devoured one of the apple pie slices. Theyre all as good as gone :joy:

That was the full version how she makes it, its good. Sugary cake with splash of apples :grin:

Oh yes! Hope you enjoy it and have alot of dopamine filled relaxment, its hygge drinks :smiley:

Understandable. I probably would not have enough restraint either ^^

It looks good!

I am enjoying it but the pvp makes it kind of difficult to really relax xD

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Makes pvp less stressful then in small buzz from the mint vodka with hot chocolate and sugar high :joy:

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Also dont forget add can cream on top like this guide, cant really put too much cream on top! There is no wrong but this video just put 1 cl hot water in spoonful of cocoa and fill rest of the glass with vodka and didnt even put cream on top what barbar :dracthyr_a1:

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Fair point!
I think itā€™s working already, just a few more cups :sweat_smile:

Iā€™m out of cream so Iā€™ll guess I could substitute with more Minttu like the guy in the vid xD

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ah youre going with the barbar way of no creamā€¦ :scream:

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Forgive me!
Iā€™ll do better next time, I promise!

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Some whipped cream can from store and squeeze mountain over the beverage should civilize it, lets call it cooking cream cause i cant call it anything else but cheap whipped cream from a can and over hot chocolate it go :ok_hand:

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