🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Hey Sinaaki, thank you it’s good to be back er…I think, I am just kind of realising how much I may have missed, when I saw someone talking about crests and I was thinking what the hell are crests lol

It’s great to see you again, I hope you are well?

No that would be just evil :smile:

Free the earthen :fist:

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Yes! Posted here on the forums a couple days ago.

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Love the aesthetic and lore of warlocks. I do also like the gameplay but only in pve ^^
After playing dh, warr, hunter and mage in pvp, lock just feels too slow and sluggish.
Gotta go fast!

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Hey Emje! Good to see you again :smile: I do still play, but not as active on forums anymore


Good morning everyone! :eyes:

Fancy some gems for breakfast? :gem:


Hey Tifa, it’s good to see you again and it’s great to hear that you are still playing. Sorry that you are not as active on the forums anymore, but sometimes it’s good to take a break from things, I hope I will still see you around occasionally.

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What is this?! On browsing through this thread I have seen you offer some awesome breakfast foods, but now you are Saphyre we get inedible gems!! Don’t make me get the pitchfork to come after you Murley!!!

The gem does look beautiful though and I wouldn’t say no to it, if it was offered along with a croissant :wink:

p.s. gz on your Earthen Hunter.


Happy Earthen day!

Eh no. Blue gems seems kind of like cannibalism. I’ll have some sprinkled rubies on pancake though. Probably tastes like strawberry.

An excellent choice.


Thank you! :dracthyr_a1:

Let’s break the protocol and have a nice traditional breakfast by the sea!


Less and less of us following the edicts by the minute.


Dirty name thief!!!


Can’t change her to earthern until 72 hours later as I made her early, in boredom.

Ahem! Yes you are :angry:

Whose name is spelt correctly?

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Welcome back, Emje :smiley:

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Hi Alagondar and thank you :slight_smile:

It’s really great to see so many of the old forum regulars I knew, hope you are well and enjoying TWW. I am at that stage of info overload lmao, so if you happen to see a couple of players wandering around aimlessly in circles, please wave, as it will probably be me and my sister lost again!!!


I need to unlock earthen just to create one with tesla and sapphire in the name


you got it man. i hope in the next days to create one.