🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

More or less, but my sub’s about to run out :smile: things have changed a ton for me since then, between having multiple different jobs to finding friend circles at home and abroad alike.

Right now, headed to the capital of the country I live at, hoping a half decent bath is still open - sadly, the local one was shut down on Sept 1st, it could have really, really stayed open for a week or two, but money’s quite a deciding factor - kinda nervous as it’ll be probably a huge place, but I do need a refreshing swim. I don’t really do sports sadly, otherwise :smiling_face_with_tear:

Are you alright too? Bet there was a lot of events on your end as well :smile:

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gellert are still open?

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Finding new friends is always good though isn’t it? :slight_smile: Sports!! What is this strange activity you speak of? Lol I prefer walking it’s easy, doesn’t cost anything and can be done anywhere - yes I always go for the easiest option lmao.

You are not renewing your sub? TWW not to your liking maybe?

As for me, yeah had some ups and downs, but then everybody has them, on the whole life is good :smiley:


Hit the nail on the head.

“Built for comfort, not effort.” :+1:t2:

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I unleashed a plague. Y’all might have to watch priests in your dungeons from now on. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


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Now that I’ve caught up with the story it’s safe to go on the forums

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Ohhh so tired today, Still in my bed, Ive nothing to do excepta dew dishes I burned myself out last four days catching up on chores, Monday/Tuesday phone calls to pretty much everyone o needed to and had to order home delivery, some wow in between…

Tired!!! So you’ll probably fet a load of discord dms later today Ms.Em.


Behold! The bearded beauty Mona TruthbeĂĄrd has arrived!!


done. but mine isnt available here yet.


Whenever you’re ready, sorry been on and off the forums myself, playing TWW with my Sister so going by her schedule at the moment, we have broke off for now as she has school runs soon :smiley:

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Been trying to do this silly seagull world quest for ages on the Isle of Dorn. Too many people and not enough seagulls.


That seems to be a theme with some quests as if they forgot it’s an MMO


Safe to say he ‘croaked it’ :rofl: ok, I’ll get me coat…
Edit - wasted joke, as its on the bottom of his headstone


ehhhhhm, we don’t seem to have chapter 5 yet in EU?

Bet that felt strange, ordering it instead of delivering it

I have completed it. We do have it.

I didn’t go to Gellert… its name was Dagaly Thermal Spa if I remember well.

I feel you, but I heard this nice little workout.

You do a Stratholme mount run. If the deathcharger doesn’t drop, do 10 pushups, rinse and repeat.

By when you get the horse, you become buff. Nuff said.

Point is, I try to watch my spendings. Even then, bad things happen - say, sadly I just got fined, I used the metro ticket I got at noon on my way back for a beer and the inspectors had a different idea…

As for the xpac? Regret buying it a little but then I’m not too fond of modern WoW.

If only you could find them so easily. People in my country are very closed off, pretty much always watching their sixes carefully.

My crush is a very good example for that, I could barely get her to hug me after knowing each other for 3 months. Things would be better on the countryside though.


I dont seem to have it. Still says wait for Alleria.

Go run past Alleria who is at the coreway. It has to trigger there to appear. Silly design.