🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Autumn begins on 22.09 though. Meteorologists claim it begins on 01.09 but at least here it’s still summer until early October anyway. Today it’s rainy, but still 21-22° here.

It’s good to be positive.

But unfortunately, none of us are in equal circumstances and some are much worse off or much better than us.

And often, the key to escape is money, and/or being in a situation of power/opportunity.


Well that’s the equinox but the leaves have been falling and the weather is chilly here so it’s been autumn for a while. I don’t think it sticks to the rules perfectly!

I still wore my shorts today for grocery shopping, seasons can vary a lot between regions! :smiley:

The whole “money doesn’t make you happy” thing is almost a lie. It will make some people happy and others not.

But what money is is power.

Being bullied at work and it’s unbearable? Got savings? Great, quit.

Need food? Got money? Great.

Need the best medical treatment and need it asap? Got money? Great.

Etc, etc.

Which is why those “there are no limits” type platitudes for me are almost mockery.


Ive met enough people with the kinds of money that they never have to work in their lives if they so choose, and some had troubles or misered as the rest of us. I believe happiness not tied on wealth and just being rng, and not permanent state anyway to anyone. Enduring bad things is normal aspect of human lives like feelings of negativity and occasional moments of happiness, just try enjoy the little things. Live in moment :dracthyr_a1:


Haha it’s like someone super rich who has servants and a super massive boat and doesn’t work says one day “I know what will make humanity better and happier - I will create a load of pictures with some trite phrases and send them over the internet.”

I’m grumpy today :joy:


I always think those who spout about how money doesn’t buy happiness have never struggled financially :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I think it depends on the person and their outlook. I am not wealthy and I have struggled financially, yet when I was in a more profitable partnership, I was very unhappy. Now I am poorer, but much happier :wink:


Having money is more of a stress reliever… until you hit the point where it turns into a stress factor again when wanting more and more of it. Of course having less stress tends to lead to a happier life so, in a roundabout way it both buys and doesn’t buy happinness.

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I’ll gladly be rolling in money, any day of the week


Very true, that, or they don’t have a brain! :joy:

I’d argue that high stress means high blood pressure and future health complications, so money buys you happiness in that you’re not in and out of hospital and feeling unwell much of the time.

Always having to find money for things is a huge stressor.

The ones that i knew had problems that money dont cure, physical illnesses that are not curable by money or trauma or they were otherwise unhappy, happiness is fleeting concept anyway. Alot of them try drown it on buying alot of things aswell or using it to do whatever comes to mind and to degree they find happiness with it but its fleeting and day or week after they remember that oh yeah I still have this problem and not able to enjoy life fully how they believe they would like or something else. Happiness is momentary feeling, it can be found in little things like sip of good bewerage you enjoy or soak in view from a nice walk and then try live in the moment, these dont hardly cost a thing either :smiley:

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Listen to the Eric Clapton song ‘Nobody knows you when you’re down and out’ - it shows how everyone is your friend if you’re loaded, but if you’re skint then quite the opposite

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It depends. You can have a lot of money but be unhappy or troubled. Or you can have a lot of money and actually be fulfilled with your life.
Money is not the one ring that rules them all, same with having a long life, having a family, etc. People want different things and some can find the lifestyles imposed by a society limiting and rather boring, not fitting with their goals let’s say.

On top of that, generally, we are pushed to believe that money is the most important thing in our lives and we will be forever happy the more we have but there are things money can’t do. Sometimes people become superficial enough to think they can pay someone to fix all their problems without having to work their troubles by themselves.
I am sad? I buy a brand new car. Still sad? I will go to different country as I have the problems in my house. I’m still sad? Well I buy a new PC, etc.
Point is, some try to find way to avoid dealing with their feelings and prefer to find short-term solutions and that might be one of the reasons why money is so high valued in our society.

Though, I’m not against money that’s that.



The key to happiness is being a Finnish F1 driver :joy::joy::joy:


Oh don’t get me wrong, if I was lucky enough to win the lottery, I wouldn’t refuse the money lol. But I can honestly say that having less money and having to be more frugal doesn’t cause me as much stress as I imagined it would, for me being happy is worth the reduced income. So I tend to go with money doesn’t buy you happiness, but I admit it does give you security.

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Cant have happiness as permanent state and there are multitude of chronical illnesses and trauma and situations that money has no affect on anyways, but can find fleeting glimpses of it in day on small things and savory them, I guess it is like “mindfullness exercises” what Ive read of that but I didnt have to study or think of concentrating to enjoy nice cup of coffee with a game I enjoy or else :smiley:

Not being able to pay bills, struggle to buy food, can’t run heating etc much in winter would all be solved by money. Many would be infinitely happier and that money would buy happiness.

Money troubles are a huge source of stress and that’s why money buys happiness IMO.