🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

i was thinkin about this a lot lately. i was born in a middle class family with no money problems.
i had to problem to live with a almost 0 euro bank account for years (i spend almost everything i gain). lately in fact im more depressed about it. age probably

Everybody who think their live is really miserably should think of one easily achievable thing that gives them joy and do it today, then repeat that next day and the next and the next… its not meant to be part of the entire day, its meant to give something that gives joy to person in their each day so they keep moving forward. Have one thing in each day that is easily achievable that bring joy so it doesnt cause stress on trying achieve itself, if not know what then explore, thats also whats lifes about.

Money is freedom. Freedom is happiness.


You could phrase it “money buys you comfort/security”


Having the ability to spend whatever you want in itself is happiness to me.

That doesn’t mean you can’t be poor and happy. No one is saying that. But money most certainly does buy happiness for me :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


Yeah and when they have illness that is not curable by any money in the world, then what? :slight_smile:

Sure they had fun skiing in alps for weekend but they still going to suffer from permanent illness for example, some of them can be life shortening and the persons know it so it affects their mindset. Money really is not the answer to rng :smiley:

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If I didn’t have to worry about money in my future and was able to either totally fix our house or move to one that isn’t falling apart, a lot of my stress would melt away.

It isn’t going to solve everything but it will make it much easier. Private healthcare as well where maybe I’d get taken seriously.


But we are all going to die eventually, so why not do it in as much comfort as possible?

Money doesn’t buy immortality obviously.


Agreed that not being able to pay bills or struggle for heating/bills would be extremely stressful, but on the flip side of the coin, having enough wealth for all that doesn’t always make you happy. So I guess we will agree to disagree, for me money gives you security, not happiness.

It makes me think what I would do if I won the lottery and the first thing I think of is being able to help family/friends, rather than buying a huge house/car/exotic holidays. I think it’s maybe because from my perspective I have realised I don’t need all that, all I need is enough to pay the bills and have food on the table and I am satisfied with that.


I had feeling of happiness yday hop on couch and drink mint hot chocolate while watch new season of rings of power, I live in moment and for the little things :dracthyr_hehe:

Keith Richards begs to differ…


Today it’s 28 degrees here. :sweat_smile:

For me, more access to a lot more money would allow me to travel more - you can learn a great deal by spending time in other countries.

I could then donate money and give it to family members which would enhance their life.

It’s not just simply so I could blow money on a bigger house or car or whatever.

Money unlocks doors to do thing and the opportunity to live a more fulfilling life.


You are thinking having money equalling being a super rich person who splashes it out on all these things. I am thinking money enough to not worry. I would have a better house, better quality items, better healthcare, not worry about vet bills, but not want stupidly expensive rubbish or go on holidays etc.

Not worry about needing to apply for benefits or force myself to work when I am older despite not being able to.

Having money doesn’t mean spending time in a yacht that by price alone could feed a whole country. I wouldn’t want excesses, I know what makes me happy and what makes me unhappy and money solves a lot of the unhappy.


Also you give someone in their 20s 500k, they can actually access a house. Then maybe live mortgage-free and not have to have a stressful high pressure job, in order to pay a huge mortgage.


One guy herited his fathers company who were some inventor in finland, now the son is loaded and hasnt worked day to his life, would think his happy but his bored mostly and has trauma from messed up family situations, he also had health conditions that shorten his lifespan. All of those are rng, what surroundings or family your born to, what random occasions will happen in your life, how your health will go. He did go alps to skii on moments notice for weekend and paste nice pictures to instagram but I knew its half of the truth and when we meet in real he tells to people he is not doing ok and people his invited try listen. Its just rng, life is sum of random coincidences and we dont have control on all of it the moment that stop try control everything can also be ease of burden.

Money IRL is pay to win :joy:


I get that Nim, honestly I do, and I am not trying to downplay anybody else’s struggles, all I am saying is having all that you say, the better house, better healthcare, paying bills, will only make you happy if you are already happy in your life. No amount of money can buy that happiness for you, it can only give you security. Now if you are already happy, then ofc money is just the added bonus of giving you the security of never having to think of financial struggles.

For me it’s not about the money itself, but what I can buy with it. I find that buying something that I like from time to time it’s a huge source of happiness.

I’m a collector and owning stuff I like makes me feel good. So when I need to feel a bit more happy I can search for something that I collect.

I just found something today that I was searching since many many years (wanting the thing since middle school - around 1996, actively searching it since 10 years). :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Security would make me happy. It isn’t going to cure my depression but it is going to alleviate a lot of it because the stress will be gone.

What is your definition of happy? Mine is not stressed all the time and generally content.