🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Yup, money worries make depression even worse. It’s all very helpless.


To you maybe. It would literally buy my happiness. It would literally remove the biggest chunk of unhappiness in my life.

I would be incredibly happy as a result and people without those kinds of struggles don’t get it IMO.


Half the kingdom to that who finds cure for my autoimmune disease that medical science hasnt cure on and treatments at best are more or less bad :joy:

I cant work and I cant do much of hobbyes I would like to do, I could be millionaire and still be cursed of rng so I cant say I put much value on money with this in mind.

That’s the dream though isn’t it Siene, being able to travel or enhance the lives of family friends. As you say it’s the opportunity to live a more fulfilling life, if you are already happy, sorry I stand by what I said earlier, having money in itself doesn’t make you happy, it gives security.

When I was younger I had a big mortgage and a low salary, and the worry of defaulting on my repayment, or not being able to afford food for the rest of the month was not something I want to repeat now.

10 years ago I reached that state of mind for several months, it was when I was diagnosed with ASD. I felt good, cared for and finally accepted. But sadly anxiety had to come back soon enough.

It’s not as bad as it used to be though.


My entire life would improve if I had money. It literally would make me happy. It would literally solve 99% of the problems.

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That’s fine, we all have different opinions on stuff :grinning:


99 problems but money ain’t one? lol

I have brief states of it but stress always beats the bees out of me. Really struggling atm and guess what - most of it is due to things that money could fix.

I’d argue if you are already happy and get money it won’t do much for you. If you are unhappy and get money, provided you haven’t got lots or any, it will do a lot for you.

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But would it cure permanent life altering autoimmune diseases that doesnt have cure or proper treatments that isnt bad as option or do much anyway.

I cant put much value on money alone sorry, I think its not really the answer to everything.

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Sorry for starting a big debate everyone :grinning:

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We could always go back to cake chat

Everyone’s definition will be different, because we are all individuals with different wants/needs. My definition of happy is being content with what you have, and no I am not wealthy and I don’t have an unlimited budge or a huge home with every convenience you could wish for. But yeah I am happy I have a roof over my head and food on the table, because I know for many that isn’t the case.

Again I am not downplaying anyone else’s struggles, I know that I am fortunate in having a home, many don’t.

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Why sorry? It’s fun to chat/debate, I never expect anyone to agree with my views, nor do I expect people to change their view because I say so (that would be impossible). But we can share our views and still be civil I hope :slight_smile:


If people put more money into research then yes we could get a cure or better treatment.

Stress makes them all worse so that’s knocked down a peg.

No need to work so you won’t burn yourself out that way just surviving rather than living.

Better quality items like a proper bed, a walk in shower, a bungalow so no stupid stairs, a heated pool. Private healthcare where you are taken seriously and given medication and proper tests.

Money cannot fix everything but it makes most things a helluva lot easier.

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Lets, cause I wake today and felt like cement truck had driven over me and then poured cement over the remains. And I know this feeling to be permanent cause its autoimmune with no cure or treatments. Then I come forum read that money is answer to happiness and Im thinking I feel more pain now reading it or explain how it really is not :smiley:

IIRc progressing to 80k a year actually increases happiness. It doesn’t improve once crossing this treshold.

What makes me unhappy is that my government and 1/3 of my fellow compatriots are entitled to my savings and investments (Yeah, the one thing that will give me an actual pension)

Ferrari 308 GTS !

I may start my old pasta versus pizza debate and tell everybody they are wrong if they pick pizza :wink:

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no, is good. thanks! sometimes its interesting talkin about other things than M+ or mogs or high elbes