🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

“We are the Knights who say… Echy Echy Echy patooiing waaaaaaaaaaaaahh chooo!!”


“What have the Romans ever done for us!!!”

“gave us the flu…?”

I never used to catch anything either when i didnt go out very much since i changed my lifestyle i’ve fallen ill so many times.

Caught covid or a cold 5 times in as many months in the winter months.

Was pretty much ill for half the winter.

It doesnt stop me from going to work or gym though.

Just ache more afterwards.

Actually, for years i always thought Tim the Enchanter was played by Billy Connolly- then i read the end credits


Laughs in chronic fatigue
Welcome to hell. We eat cake to manage!


I luckily have pretty high endurance, with injury and now covid im still doing 4 hours a day at the gym and working 12 hour days.

Unless i cant physically get up i just keep going.

Failed a 80kg bench press today… felt pretty disappointed but im basically doing it with just 10% of the strength in my left arm, ‘if’ i ever recover i think my overall bench press will skyrocket to new heights because of this.

80kg for me right now is about the same as 140kg uninjured.

lol I was gonna post a cake gif but I BROKE GIPHY!!!



i usually bench 150 on a bad day, with covid i was doing 140 you just need better focus and probably a better diet and sleep pattern

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I had covid once way back quite badly but, actually, the worst thing for me was the loss of smell and taste. I would make a cup of coffee and drink it but it’s so different when you can’t taste or smell it. Ditto many other foods/drinks. I lost interest in food because it was just texture and nothing else.

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Yeah purhaps my bench has always been my weakest lift :slight_smile:

My other lifts are much higher.

Increasing bone density of top of the head looks like it, could be useful for enduring keeping headphones for longer durations while on pc :smiley:

Yeah i had a really spicy pizza last time with covid and didnt even taste it, my dad was sat there like “arent you finding that hot?”

Worse thing ever eatting pizza and not being able to taste it.

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The one variant i had made me couch bound for week, same with second vaccine i had it gave fever for 2 days. Fever type symptoms for me. Annoyingly i got the covid probably from this someone in this gym i were going and he kept going around the room standing close people and telling everyone same story how he travel around world during this and never used mask in any airport or doesnt believe in covid in general. Week from that I got my first covid. I remember i was so angry, like fine some dont believe global pandemic is big deal, I dont care what they believe but why does they have to spread it intentionally like if theyre spreading virulent plague playing unholy dk, that I dont understand. :joy: :+1:

God, no, I don’t envy you people :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Well if you stopped faceplanting the screen when you see cake, maybe it wouldn’t be broken! :laughing:


You could be right! I can’t help it though!


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The first time I had covid hit me the hardest. Although my sense of taste and smell recovered some, it’s never fully gone back to normal.


You just need some Irn Bru, that’ll bring your sense of taste back and give you hairs on your chest so manly manlish you’ll be marching off to the pub singing Y.M.C.A


“Chinese athletics provides video to the IOC in an attempt to prove their athletes don’t take performance-enhancing drugs”

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