🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

I dont envy people before internet, if i dont get sleep or just otherwise able move I binge shows and couch surf. I dont know what people did before but it cant been better than this. Internet is bis tier invention :joy:


Well Frost DK was fun for a few weeks… Oh well.

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Did they put some patch? What happen. Havent been home yet

They should put that on joke books. Nothing but porridge and banana sure sure :joy:

No I didn’t need covid to still dislike the taste of that stuff.


Ahw man. I’m several points behind
I never got the 'Ronas and some are almost on two digits D:
I got a lot of catching up to do.

  • All ability damage reduced by 5%.
  • Glacial Advance damage reduced by 15%.
  • Icy Death Torrent damage reduced by 15%.
  • Frost Strike damage increased by 8%.
  • Obliterate damage increased by 8%.
  • Breath of Sindragosa damage increased by 12%.
  • Shattered Frost now deals 60% of the damage to nearby enemies (was 65%).
  • Enduring Strength now grants 15% Strength (was 20%).
  • Shattering Blade now causes the next Frost Strike when consuming 5 Razorice stacks to be increased by 115% (was 125%).
  • Glacial Advance’s global cooldown is now properly reduced by Haste.
  • Frostsycthe’s global cooldown is now properly reduced by Haste.
  • Cryogenic Chamber now has a 30 second duration.
  • Cryogenic Chamber now resets at the beginning of a raid encounter and Mythic+ dungeon.
  • Cryogenic Chamber now displays the amount of damage event it stored as stacks.
  • Icy Death Torrent now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8). The tooltip will be updated to reflect this change at a later date.
  • Pillar of Frost is now displayed on the personal resource display.

But if you’re a demon hunter…

  • Havoc
    • All ability damage increased by 13%.
    • Eye Beam damage increased by 100%.
    • Consuming Lesser Soul Fragments now heals for 6% of maximum health (was 10%).
    • A Fire Inside chance to refund a charge of Immolation Aura increased to 30% (was 25%).
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Eh, frostdk has been the bottom dps whole df for pvp aswell, why they would nerf it now… Makes no sense :joy:

Hope theres something in hero talents. But i have no clue, i looked lock hero talent yet

Well, it was useless on damage in dragonflight. That probably still won’t make it go back to how it was in shadowlands.

I wasn’t in the slightest bit surprised at the DK changes, soon as I saw them in gameplay I knew “oh that’s gonna get nerfed to oblivion”. When you suddenly jump from mid table dps to top leaving the warriors and demon hunters eating icy dust you know that isn’t gonna last long. I guess whoever was in charge of dk “development” is back judging by whoever it is obsession with “frost being funneled into two hander - obliteration and dual wield - BoS and you better like it or roll a warrior”


They have nerfed ret pallies too.
Yet buffed shadow priests.
So I am half happy? I didn’t feel SP needed a buff though.
Paladins can never just have fun can we?


No, so that’s why I ain’t maining this spec !

Well, last time i cared about balance was in S1 of shadowlands and demon hunters were supposedly terrible on the numbers. I don’t think they’re exactly blizzard’s favourite child

Hmm. I wonder though…

Yup thought so.

BM took a pasting.

Shammies and Warlocks lol.

I’m not complaining, but I don’t understand why and some spells increased by such a big percentage. I thought we were doing pretty well for once at the moment. (I mean, I’m obviously not complaining but …)


Level scaling, probably

Knowing Puny , she’d mix it with vodka :rofl:


I was never bed ridden with covid, the first 2 times was in the period when you had to self isolate for 14 days, which i did.

3rd - 7th time i just continue life as normal, if it was gonna killme it would of by now, symptoms seem to get less and less each time catching it too.

Sense of smell and taste generally only lasts about 12 hours on me, the last time it only lasted the evening.