🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Yes, I remember you saying a while back. Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts. :slight_smile:

NGL excited for Oodie weather though.

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My Oodie is ready to go!

Am happy to enjoy this weather in the meantime tho!

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… what’s an oodie? A foodie on a diet, so he’s cut the f?

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I have a black and a grey one like this:-

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Oh no, it’s the Berkshire massive!


My mom is obsessed with the British Shop, it’s a Swiss / German retailer that sells British stuff online. :rofl:

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Das ist sehr gute!


I also opened forum on phone and wondered why my phone asks if i want to install some app for this forum and then when i look generals topics i see none of the txts fit on screen and some go top of each other and it dont look right at all, i imagine the change need some phone app now for forum. I have more pressing matters than keep up with this type changes, I cant bother do anything to it if they cant manage make simple web format to show on mobile browsers properly without installing some separate app on your device to use the forum, then it can stay as it is for me :joy:

Wow forum look this on my phone now, Im not going to install any separate app to use the page and Im not going to do anything about this, its not my doing.


Mine looks like that too and Sinny’s

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Yeah, it’s looking jank on my phone as well. :frowning:

Yup, im just not gonna do anything to it. Not my doing anyway :smiley:

same. very bad.

It was touched on pc too in certain spots. Nothing major, some qol(and bugs)

Necrotic wake bought back some bad SL memories:

  • group can’t aim hook to stichflesh
  • healer cant stay alive
  • awful dps, so we get lots of adds running around that destroy us
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It was doing a weird bouncing thing when I scroll to the bottom of threads.

That happens as well yeah :')

Today I’m switching back to winter gear :cold_face: I wasn’t expecting to do it before November, but here we are


Really? Is so cold in pedimont?

This guy has a frog army in his backyard :scream: