🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

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Gooooood Morning Isle of Dorn!

The sun is shining, the new players handbook arrived and I got to sleep till 9:30 beffore heading to work.

Outside of a little spat with the misses today is looking great!

And how are you all on this fine morning?


I hope you’re okay : )


Well I asked first but, like I said, outside of a little annoyed cause of the partner I’m all good.

Thanks for asking, I appreciate it. :dracthyr_heart:


Maybe I misrepresented myself, I don’t think everybody hates me, but when you are outspoken, some people (not all) can be resentful in future dealings with you, it’s human nature. I admit I am the same, there are certain forumers I do not like and don’t interact with at all. What I was trying to say is the more outspoken you are, the more you tend to have these sort of interactions that do cause friction. None of it worries me though, I still participate in discussions, we have the ignore function if people decide they don’t want to interact with me :smiley:

You didn’t! Still feel like it needed to be said. Earlier you asked ‘‘who would want to add me’’. You just might not know how people feel as you can’t read minds.

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Ohhhh is that what you guys were talking about, hard to enterpret as some messages are deleted.

Why wouldn’t people want to add you, you’re a reasonable person from what I’ve seen. Already beats a ton of people from the list and hey the more honest you are the more genuine you come across, even if that includes being blunt sometimes.

Not my discussion so I shall, after this, keep out.


Having fiction with others can be a good thing as you learn different points of views and try to think where others are coming form.
If you have everyone agreeing with you, creating an echo chamber, you could end up not questioning anything thus limiting your capability of learning something new. Would be rather boring, wouldn’t it?
People that speak themselves can create good discussions, the trick is to know how to have a discussion, when to end it - this is the difficult part for most - and how to deal with someone who doesn’t have the ability to maintain a good discussion for whatever reason.

On the internet people that speak their mind are not only read by the person who are interacting with directly, you have people on the background who also read your comment. Even if you don’t interact with them directly you can give them a topic to think about and reflect.

Now, you don’t seem to be incapable of having a good discussion - that’s my opinion of course. I would say you’re rather a pleasant person to have a discussion with.


Now I feel like I was trying to get sympathy, which I wasn’t :slight_smile: But thank you all for your kind comments.

Now let’s lighten the mood by playfully abusing other forumers, I will start. I am disappointed in Saphyre, his famous breakfast pics have been missing lately :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


It was of my own volition. Please don’t feel bad for the actions of others. You can’t control people.


Am I the only one that really sucks at getting jokes? Every freaking time I take things seriously and then after I replied, I feel like an idiot wondering if it was just a joke and I didn’t get it. It’s driving me crazy. :eyes: :joy:


No, you’re not. But you can try to gauge based on how well you know that person. We’re not all friends, sure, but for example in the forums you read/interact with many people. More or less they remain the same over time. If someone says things in a joke-y way often it probably means things they say to you could be a joke as well.


No you are not the only one, I often miss things like that, text chat is difficult though as obviously you don’t get the visual signals when speaking to someone face to face, or hear the changes in their voice.


It’s not on the forums, and it’s not a friend… it’s actually an artist I’m buying something from and we were chatting on IG about the original piece he made. He made a joke about sending me a whole mustache made of straw and of course I thought he was serious. The problem is that I even asked after if it was a joke, and now I feel like a complete idiot. :weary:

Could this emoji mean that they are somewhat mocking me? >>> :see_no_evil:
He was using it on those joking sentences. :eyes: I really suck at any kind of communication. :rofl:

It’s possible but it’s also possible you’re overthinking something.


That’s a given. It’s one of my favorite hobbies. :rofl:


I miss things too. Text is so difficult. Tone of voice and seeing someone’s face makes it much easier to judge their real meaning.
As for me, I don’t think there’s anyone I dislike here though I do get very confused when people change their posting character and I have no idea who I’m talking to.
Also I miss Daestra. I think that’s the only ‘regular’ who’s vanished completely :cry:
(Though knowing my appalling memory, there are probably many others …)


Sorry about that! I’m one of those people. :eyes: (I’m Murley / Starney).

I had to switch to my new main because Earthen represent me so well.


Weirdly you’re the only one that doesn’t confuse me because you announced it somewhere in the thread :laughing:

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I can never remember all the char hoppers either, but my memory is terrible anyway!

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