🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Oh, crap - BM was gonna be my alt for TWW, never mind

People went outside to socialise

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I still do, as its part of my job - however i still like my walks in Forestry Commission areas, my nearest one was the site of a battle during the English Civil War


Its partly why i started the gym, to meet people.

With a interest in healthy living.

Before most of my friends were gamers playing mmorpgs and other games 5 - 12 hours a day.

Was a goid change to meet people living a different life than gaming, not that there is anything wrong with gaming ofc.

But gym goers are more likely to do things outside of the house.

Well if I have rheuma flare or not slept I wont go out, I were answering to alysea related her post of chronic tireness that I dont know what ppl did before internet with it, they just did something more boring than spent time with internet or tv serieses :joy:

Now this made me think of the show Absolutely Fabulous it was good show :smiley:


Same here. Got a 10 day sick leave, I was alright by the end of it but the first 5 days were hell.

I was sleeping all day and could barely eat. Not mentioning cuddling up tightly in multiple blankets to stay warm. :dracthyr_nod:

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Or an arms warrior even. My current build for it feels fluid and fun, but Fury got the FDK treatment.

They removed my favorite build (Annihilator that made Raging Blow passive and inserted Slam into the rotation in a short cd instead)…


Wait what.

My shadow dps hasn’t been too high since the end of BfA really. On the other hand I can blaze like mad with my retadin :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Looks they gave some buffs for frostm, assa, rdruid and wlock. Assa has been #2 melee currently :sweat_smile:


  • All ability damage increased by 14%.

Frostmage lol

  • Ice Lance damage is now increased by 75% in PvP combat (was 31%).
  • Ice Lance damage increased by 10%.
  • Glacial Spike damage increased by 10%.
  • Flurry damage increased by 12%.
  • Blizzard damage increased by 50%.
  • Frozen Orb damage increased by 10%.
  • Comet Storm damage increased by 10%.
  • Ray of Frost damage increased by 20%.

Same. Frost can’t never be top tier of course x).

Wo ist das Wochenende?


SP was pretty good in s2, s3 and s4 DF but on beta they got hit hard, at least that’s what I noticed when doing keys.
Buff was needed.

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All I can say related healers is that the rsham buffs are deserved but rdruid is the best upcoming healer in tww before these and these buffs are not small :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Es ist Donnerstag, mein guter Freund, noch ein Tag :smiley:

Wait what, slam for fury, I thought their rotation was just bloodthirst raging blow and rampage and slam had no iteraction with any talents. Even on my arms Im constantly considering removing it from hotbar too. I press it only if have no overpower charge or ms is on cd so I try fish overpower proc with it but then when I look details after games I have like 1 slam press all game :smiley:


Episode of cops outside at my neighbours place.
How many patrol cars does it take to find the aspiring student hiding in the basement stairwell…
Two so far.


Reminds seeing mall from old places window and see locals try outrun mall guard while carrying dozen cases of beer or even better glass bottles 24 packs. The guard walking after them like “Give it a rest already will ya” and then they give up and admit defeat. Which makes me think should it be advocated into Olympics if there already is things like skateboarding too, I would perhaps want watch ppl try run distances while holding two 24 packs of beer :joy:

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Should’ve placed speakers in the window blasting the Benny Hill theme at max volume ^^

I would watch that! Should have more relatable events like 100m beer case dash, grocery bag deadlift and carry sofa up 4 flight of stairs.

Edit: ahw man. No arrest or taser. Just a stern chat.

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I could, one of them were friends stepfather who were locally called as macho because he idolized the WWE Wrestler Machoman and pretty much tried look like him to the detail, now picture machoman but without the enhanced muscles and with two 24 pack beer cases attempting to run but also no stamina to run at all :dracthyr_a1:

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Could be worse, could be like keystone cops

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