🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Thats from 1912, I watched all police academys as kid and they were from 1984–1994 I thought they were old films :smiley:

Thats my local plod - cant catch real criminals, but will nick ya for 1mph over the speed limit lol

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Did ya like my pro German lol

Deciphering the message were easy but when I ask google translator help for reply at first it gave something about “boyfriend” when tried to translate “good friend” it seems i was lost in translation :joy:

Wait till armor values scale lvl 80, they took nerfs but we will see how its in max lvl, also all physical dealing classes do no dmg currently cause the armor values arent adjusted for lvl 80 yet, my arms mortal strike tickles too. We have to wait tww, hang in there.

Im gonna try umbrella academy season 4 and last were from two years ago I remember nothing except footloose dance-off, now thats a way to solve disputes

Now it’s Friday and almost the weekend, woo.

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My work week starts on saturday this week…

On the upside though my covid should be mostly gone by tomorrow, feeling much better today than past few days.

Then the shift after i only work 2 days.

My lower back feels like a 80 year old man today.

For someunknown reason decided to do leg press and barbell squat on the same day even though i havent done either for 3 months since my injury

holy moly, hey there handsome :heart_eyes: :love_you_gesture:

I had covid, it wasn’t fun!!

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Black Forest Gateau
Puts up a shield screen for Soul to faceplant into, protecting the net


That’s the cake from Hot Fuzz!


I need cake

Like right now

covid is a nightmare, get that on a weekly basis but i dont seem to get any actualy covid symptoms, just wake up and know ive got got covid again then carry on until its cleared up did a full 18 hours at work with covid last week then lifted 160

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So why arent you posting on twiggz/fibbz anymore :thinking:?

Did you get called out?

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Shocker you are active here.

not sure what relevance that has to the conversation but even i cant post as you. you are twiggz and i am jaunoopah, no idea what a fibbz is but i hope you find it.

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how so? What have I done to upset you now? I only “unignored” you because I saw someone had replied to me and I had whoever it was on ignore.

Or are you going to accuse me of being one of your clones again because I warned you what would happen next time you tried that.


Just ignore them and they’ll eventually get bored and go away. I think most people here know they’re not you.

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