🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)


No :angry:
How dare u.


I had to give up and declare the game terrible and unplayable at the part where you have to compete in that car with the broken suspension :frowning: It wasn’t doable.

Like most of GTA games !

I’ve tried cold water after doing sport at the park…nah, I don’t. I don’t like cold shower either. Then again, my blood can stand high temperatures kek

We should invent iced popcorn !

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One smile a day keep the doctor at bay :sweat_smile:


Then something inspirational :sweat_smile:


Although tbh I probably do smile once everyday because soon as I look at one of my dogs they’re all goofy and smiling. Nobody can resist.



Decameron has been pretty good new dark comedy if one is in need of something to watch while have break from playing wow or in general like this type of light hearted and not so light hearted comedy depending how one takes the topics they joke about :sweat_smile:

That outburst of laughter were punys equivalent of “you cant hurt me” :smiley:

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I know I can send her puppy and doggo pics and she’ll smile!


reminds me, I read somewhere that someone made a video of the xenomorphs from the Alien movies but he put Cookie Monster eyes on their heads complete with wildly erratic eyeballs. I so need to find this.

AHA found it! Sorry it wasn’t a movie it was a set of photos but they’re nonetheless hilarious!


To counter the dice thrown for a attack roll, I see. I like this method to turn ones assaulter into a fren. Umbrella academy had dance face-off as equivalent :dracthyr_love_animated:

I so wish I was in that room…

“No no no you’re doing it wrong… that kick is so badly placed! Here’s how you do it!” just to watch them fall to the ground gasping for breath


Related alien I saw theres new film on theaters Alien: Romulus, dont know anything of it than the theme. Might get visit from me in theater, last I went watch were dune 2 and new blade runner before that, this kinda fits in same category it could be worth to leave comforts of ones home :dracthyr_a1:

Yeah :joy:

They are just pathetic.


The best one I ever saw was someone sneaking behind a cop car and putting googly eyes on it. Im sure there’s a youtube video of it Ima go look

Lol the eyes on the exhaust pipe lol

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