🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Man the new design of premeditation is so broken, every combo point generating ability you use after anything that enables stealth condition you just gain max combo points :sweat_smile:

I bought some Rhone wine today, so will enjoy some later. :smiley:


Some Alterac Swiss and grapes with that would make nice wine platter. Love some wine platter :dracthyr_love_animated:


Well Iv’e just gone through my 3rd monitor…


We need murley back from holiday taking care of us, the substitute isnt doing his job very well. We are lacking multiple mornings worth breakfast pics and good mornings. What have the workers become :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

but cake!




lol tanked a +8 neltharus and we finished with 12 mins left.

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I think it can also be used for pizza as pizza cakes

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Back home… going form 22-23° for 6 days, to suddenly 32-33° at home was atrocious, not gonna lie. :eyes:

But I had a great time! I’m so nostalgic right now… I was in the train earlier and I saw the sun setting right before hiding behind the mountains and I still saw the same sun at the same spot yesterday, in Ostend, with seagull fighting for food and a strong, cool wind… :face_holding_back_tears: :sunrise:

Anyway, I much needed this trip, I proved myself that I can take a freaking plane alone and go where I want. :sunglasses:


Welcome back Murley! Its been awful start day in Azeroth without breakfast pics, the substitute barely worked at all, it had to be reminded constantly :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Welcome back!
We are having a 2 day heatwave as of tomorrow as well. The constant weather changing is flaring me like no tomorrow.
Your presence was very missed :dracthyr_heart:


Its funny cause 20-24 is like normal summer temps here now and us locals find it too warm, you would enjoy Finnish climate and find it cooling while we would curse the heat. I have 50 euro increase on electricity use just from a/c trying keep place under 25C :smiley:

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Glad you’re back and safe. Hope you had a good time :smile:

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I had! Thank you all! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Im eagerly waiting food pics already I have high expectations :smiley:


28c and 93% humidity today here.

Might aswell spend a day in a sauna.

Never really known it to change 10c in 24hours before and so often.

But nearly everyday this past 2 months is jumping up and down everyday.

Not to mention rain,sun,rain,sun,rain etc…

Was 12c walking into work yesterday.

18c today.

Suposed to be 33c+ and 97% humidity here tomorrow … fun times lol :mega:

At least i work in a blast freezer.


We have area wide mobile network outage here until mid monday, you should see people panicing because they have no internet.

Its pretty sad to see surprisingly the ones i see panicing most at 50+ years old.

One guy i work with is speaking to a girl online and he was literally pulling his hair out because he couldnt message her.

He ended up traveling to the next town after work just to message her lol.

That is a pretty desperate position to put urself in imo.

Hes 52 years old actinglike 12 xD

I dont Think they realise mobile network outage doesnt effect home networks.

I did try to explain that to them, but its like explaining complex physics to a goldfish.


Good morning! This is an actual picture of my breakfast in Bruges… with canal view. I miss that… :dracthyr_a1:


Good morning and I would miss this too, It looks cozy and elegant at same time. I love it :dracthyr_love_animated:


Oh, I’m so envious. Lovely breakfast and lovely Bruges/Brugge.