🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Watch the movie In Bruges whilst you’re there :stuck_out_tongue:

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Marble cake




My grandma used to make it, as a “Gugelhopf”… so many memories! :face_holding_back_tears:


Even my dogs are licking the screens as well as me, so much CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!

Speaking of dogs, Fergus has decided he has his own pillow, a v shaped one he can both lie in and snuggle on with his little plastic maimed frog.

Comfy Fergus



And Roscoe likes to lie at the bottom around my feet.



A perfectly shaped pillow for a little Fergus.

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Strangely just not hungry today. I blame eating a steak pie, chips and peas last night.

yeah that could be something to do with it lol, all I had all day was a cup a soup and two slices of bread

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The architecture of the place recalls the 17th century Dutch canal homes of Amsterdam.

No wonder it looks so intriguing and cozy and the storyes of hercule poirot writen belgium as his original home, now its also mine one of the places in the world I would like to visit :dracthyr_tea:

welcome back star. when you start to travel alone. youll never end it! welcome in the club!

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It does ironically seem like one experiences more when alone, voluntarely or not :smiley:

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im travelling alone since 2005. b4 i never had any travel experience and now sometime i go alone here and there. a great experience! but is true soetimes a lot happen when you travel alone!!


I dont have health or wealth currently to travel abroad but I do have experience visiting some places just on my own and I can relate to this feeling of experiencing more, when you can just stop by some pond along trail and lie down on bench while making coffee and not need to ask or consider anyone else, there is sense of freedom and experiencing more when being with just own thoughts so to say :dracthyr_a1:

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I discovered a new favorite thing in wow, I stand casting eye of kilrogg on bases in solobg and “juke” other players kicks on it and spam fear and attempt cap bases. Im not sure as havent played without addons since vanil but I wonder doesnt blizz default ui tell what spells are being casted or is it just the spell animation they see, I got castbar with cast duration and txt what they cast with an icon of the spell from threat plates nameplates. Its important part of the game in pve and pvp to have castbars shown :dracthyr_a1:

I agree about the holidaying alone. I do go with friends sometimes, but living alone it’s not always easy to adjust to other people having opinions on what to do, where to go, what to eat etc.
So mostly I holiday alone and can do exactly what I want to do. I’m getting itchy feet but I can’t go too far for various reasons … thinking possibly go back to Lille which is the easiest and quickest to get to by train. Or venture a bit further and go back to Bruges. Both are places I feel comfy and happy in.


Train from bryssels to bruges and its 17th century architechtures sounds like very experience rich venture overall, like going to a different time. It looks quite lovely. Also reminds of those places in Englands countrysides. Cozy taverns in old towns and small roads. My wish is visit atleast one of such tavern someday, like proper English countryside pub.

You’ll be disappointed.

There tends to be this picture foreign nationals have of england.

I guess you learn it at school.

Sure it existed once but now england is basically budget america/poland

Alot of those old taverns are closed and turned into flats.

Dont know if you noticed but we tend to have a lil bit of a housing issue because migration.

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Cant say I have paid attention to Englands housing issues, we have enough issues here of our own, especially the areas Im from from the ghetto areas of Helsinki which are worse than romantic view of idyllic countrysides anywhere which were on discussion. But I dont want to talk of the topic further tbh the things ive seen are not topics that can be discussed.