šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

We have been posting brekkie pics as well, cake will fit in well.

Oh my goodness, this looks so delicious!

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It needs many whipped cream as well.


More of chilly lemon cheesecake person after the contrast of citrus and sweet


Long as you donā€™t work at Aperture Science :thinking:

Well thereā€™s no sense crying over every mistake, you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake.

Then buy more. Works every time.

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Its not that I donā€™t appreciate it, I do but itā€™s not something that is for public consumption on the forum. If you think you can help Iā€™m open to discussing it on discord in private.


Sensible. Too many people think this is a good dumping ground or weblog for their problems.


I probably canā€™t help as I am usually a mess myself but I can provide you with cute and funny gifs and pictures? :worried:

Honestly Ive seen all regulars talk of topics of their days and other posters join in and tell of theirs in turn good or bad and Ive never thought of anything negative of any, its bonding and I dont rly see any harm in it. Its not game related but its into chat room of random topics anyways and sometimes ppl want say something on it of their days, sometimes its problems sometimes something positive. I dont honestly see harm of it, it probably also depends how active theyre in other social medias otherwise. Some who chat on discord channels or through other sources are probably content in that, I would not see harm in either anyway or people having platform to talk on and I can just skip something that wouldnt want see.


Unless itā€™s really funny.
Then Iā€™m all ears.


You have no ears! Or eyes! Theyā€™re all robotic parts!



Oh, goodness. No, I certainly didnā€™t mean on the forum. See how you feel/how things are tomorrow and if you want I should be around and I know Iā€™m not the only one.


She sure did.

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On the contrary, it is a better place than none.

Never talking about those problems could lead to worse problems.

You should never post agaisnt the idea of people seeking help in hard times.

Even if you do not agree with them doing it, doesnt mean you have to participate and offer help.

But you shouldnt be so closed minded to try shun it off the platform entirely.

For some people this might be the only place they have.

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You do often seem to appear when there is joke to be made or just done and continue from it, you have gift of being good company :joy:


I want to smash my face into the screen looking at that hoping it is an actual cake


Well it do seem like cheesecake type bakery so would understand the graving for it :smiley:

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Iā€™ve no idea what youā€™re talking about.
I would never joke around or make light of a situation for my own amusement. Especially not when itā€™s very inappropriate. No sir.
Iā€™m only ever 100% completely serious.