🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

I am confused now, I complimented that you have skill of sharing a joke with people and generally funny otherwise with sense of humor. I have no idea of this rest what is it :joy:


Truer words were never spoken.

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It’s just a whole bunch of sarcasm :dracthyr_crylaugh:
I do appreciate the compliment!
Don’t take what I say too seriously. I’m never serious… Except just now.
Wait… Yes.


Oh, maybe theres twist in that I were not entirely serious of not understanding… or were it true and now only trying save face… or… I cant think of anything else, I am digging myself deeper into this hole :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

Not that anything I say would be any stamp of approval of any worth or probably many care what I think but it does no harm of saying something positive once or twice. Good that your around mate :joy:


Maybe the mystery of not knowing is the twist :wink: :sweat_smile:

Don’t sell yourself short. You’re awesome to chat with and I doubt I’m alone in thinking that. A Alythena stamp of approval has a high worth. At least to me.

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I can recommend serieses I have too much time watch too many :dracthyr_shrug:

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That’s for sure.
I though I watched a lot of shows n movies but I think I’ll have to admit defeat in that area :grin:

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Apologies on any dramas from earlier aswell I should know better not get baited, just didnt like the implication that I wouldnt had any to talk with in the earlier threads even with having high post count when Ive been regularly posting with someone on them, I just have more time and talk with many people for day :dracthyr_shrug:

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Good morning :yawning_face:

I would sleep more but my kawataxi services are requested.

Just stop spinning that yarn alythena.

You completely misunderstood the intention behind the post.

Which is fine.

You tend to dwell on things to much which you personally feel is a attack on you then drag out the drama like a docuseries because you cant just brush it off.

Just move on.

8 hours after i made the joke you’re still here referring to it, even though it’s not even the topic of conversation.

It’s like that doctor whoch took you for a walk to point out sometjing helpful on the wall for you, you found that annoying most people would of brushed it off and got on with the day but you dwelled on it enough that you had to duscuss it here.

Just learn to let things go

Im highly expecting you to take this as a personal attack again, but this is just advice.

You’ll sleep better if you dont dwell on things

Seriously though. It’s really pretty. Don’t sell yourself short : )


Why wouldn’t you be?

Obviously. I don’t know if I can do much but the offer’s there. Even if just to listen.

Rule 4, which states it’s Punyelf’s fault.

Regardless of what happened.

Why do people complain about them though, when double jump is one of the coolest things out there? :thinking:

If it was almost rejecting a redhead, I feel your pain bud :c

Where’d she go this time?

Ah, there’s my favorite paladin. Hello there!

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Damn, I want a lemon cake so badly now :cry:

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Mornin fellow Forumers!

I am in need of advice.

I read the 13-14th gen i7 cpus have issues, but would a 12th gen be ok?

i am in the market for an upgrade kit for my pc.


Good Morning to you as well Forumgoers/goees!

I’d answer your question Twi but I simply am not knowledgable enough, sorry :sweat_smile:

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Havent really kept up with pc tech these past years.

Was a time i would of been able to answer you but not anymore.

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good morning. this night 2 hours sleep. hot is too much. and i have 10 days still to holiday.
im melting.


May I just say…

Cheese Toastie flavoured Mc’Coys crisps.


We don’t care aboot the food, who is that red hair ?

No idea but she’s mine. Mine I tell you!