šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Hoping to be done with the bullion farm today

Doesnā€™t help there is a lot of Remixers in the list and I canā€™t tell the addon what to remove :rofl:


Punylander, Puwuny love some of these names :smiley:

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Exactly what I saw last night, lol. Itā€™s like little instant Chaos Bolts. XD

I donā€™t mind sweating out 2s, but certainly wonā€™t be doing any SS, that bracket is just bad for your blood pressure. Excited for blitz tho for sure.

Remember its SOLOā€¦ Duo I meanā€¦ solo that we que duo I meanā€¦ or soloā€¦ its confusing :smile:


ohh I wonā€™t be queuing it solo XD Il bring one of my many dps friends and weā€™ll smash the objective. At least until breaking out of dog mmr anyway.

There is no way Iā€™m sitting in mid map playing endless tug of war while no one goes for objective.

They should just kept the original name Blitz in the tab too. It amooses me they end name it Solo, solo being definition of singular but the mode of 8v8 consist half as 2man teams queing duo, soā€¦ what do we call mode thats able to be qued as duo, solo wouldnt be first I think. Duosolo :smiley:

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I still see people asking where blitz has gone, they donā€™t realise its in rated section and called solo battleground.

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That they changed it name into solo when its really duo que mode is kinda same as going solo sailing around world with best friend or the ppl in those survival islands being solo with cameraman :smiley:


They might as well let 2 DPS queue together as well tbh.

I hope they put the new battleground in rated aswell, the Deephaul Ravine. The map looks cool and I like the track escort things

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Not even a holiday. Itā€™s a national holiday today so I decided to take Friday off too.

I shouldā€™ve checked weather before going today. 32 celsius is a bit too warm.

The hel peninsula looked awesome, would be interesting place to see atleast once in lifetime

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Losing 4 kg (about 8.8 pounds) in one day is not realistically achievable or safe. Most of the weight lost in such a short period would be water weight, not fat. [Rapid weight loss can lead to serious health issues such as dehydration, nutrient deficiencies, and muscle loss

[A healthy and sustainable weight loss rate is typically around 0.45ā€“0.9 kg (1ā€“2 pounds) per weekIf youā€™re looking to lose weight, itā€™s best to aim for gradual, steady progress through a balanced diet and regular exercise.

Poland is a nice place overall. More and more people visit my pepega country every year and they fall in love with it. I can highly recommend area I live in.

and you can take a ferry to Hel peninsula.


And they make kielbasa! I bought it yday to make hotdogs they were yum :smiley:

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Iā€™m more of a shrimp tempura guy but ye :rofl: you can deffo buy a good kielbasa here.

On a side note, a lot of people are surprised how peaceful it is here. No immigrants, no ā€œno go zonesā€, no BS. Just people minding their own business :wink:


Get my like for good kielbasa! I also liked the film Mission of Honor of the polish 303 squadron RAF pilots flying for britain. Old planes good stuff :slight_smile:

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I think it also depends on the person and their metabolism and muscle memory.

As when i went from 120kg bodyweight down to 70kg bodyweight i was losing between 5lbs and 10lbs per week.

Focusing purely on weight loss through heavy cardio.

Now it feels like when ever i hit that same cardio (treadmill running) my body remembers how to react to it.

I can also go months without running now but soon as i step baxk on the treadmill i can run the same as i was at my peak.

I think it is because i used to run 1 hour a day 5 days a week for a period of a year.

But i also have a good 3 years of simular running history too.

Everyone should just eat more cake.


Strange how I also said in earlier thread before to have gone from 120kg to 80kg after I stopped driving for living and eating on grills for meals, 40kg in 2 years playing wow and not care to eat. Any gym or cardio had not as much to do with it than the total care to eat cause too busy gaming :smile:

I wonder if I speak of changing my car oils this week if in month we can read of replacement of car engines and single handedly helping neighbourhood change their cars transmissions too :smile: