🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

I was just looking at its description in wowhead and thinking that it makes no sense if its spellstealable good if not :sweat_smile:

You know, the amount of times mage don’t take disc shield from uppies is shocking.

Back home to do a late night session to be met with servers shutting down… /yay :frowning:


They just went down :frowning:

Yeah, RIP.

Loving the new login screen though, that was a surprise.

Was planning to cram in MoP Remix questing to grab the things I’m missing off it, like the back pieces. :weary:


Unlucky. Still, got a little bit of time left to finish off.

Ppl shouldnt just push during the time their healer is being spam ccd into poly from dragons breath, they should try buy time during it instead get kited further from the healer in cc which makes it even harder to recover when he finally gets out if the dps is aswell behind wall now somewhere :sweat_smile:

This is why I can’t play too long with Dagger. He just lets me sit in CC, doesn’t peel, then runs off behind pillar and gets clapped.

Manged to get him up to 1.8 on his rog and paly so he’s gotten a bit better ig.

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I feel when I get cc in shuffle on beginning I always watch team continue run into the horizon just leaving me there, like what do they want me to do. Trinket the first cc in round put to me? Or stay near me and try kick the second poly/clone and try buy time during the cc :sweat_smile:

Every time, without fail, I’m begging people at the gate: please kick the first clone. The time you can make a Druid waste by doing this is golden.

Its predictable that if enemy has rog he will aim to sap healer, i never understand why the healer is then left there to take more cc while team continue push and now force the healer to trinket which he wouldnt had to do if they stayed near him on start. :smiley:

Rog can do sap+sap+sap+blind and come kidney and smoke bomb on target when kidney is about to end, its likely rog will do atleast half of it. But they push when heal is being ccd.

I don’t understand why, when a rog is setting up puts kingsbane and deathmark on me, and ofc Kidney, no one ever comes to peel. Like, don’t let him get any more, you know he will vanish and garrote then you’re really ducked.

Yep, arena or solobg only. Shuffle is too rough to heal. Its like stress simulator :sweat_smile:

Server is up now

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Honestly, when im queing sometimes, in my head, i’m saying why do I hate myself so much. Stop doing this, you hate it.

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Im just hearing Baby Shark doo-doo, doo-doo after umbrella academy s4, great scenes :sweat_smile:

My bae likes all things murloc, including the remix of baby shark.

Warning :warning: its hella cringe.


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Awesome, need a gnome with the murloc costume still :smiley:

Okay, Its about time to bring out the classics.


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