🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

We did. I didn’t look at it as much as I preferred eating to looking at food pics :slight_smile: What happened to the guy that made it … Something Clown maybe?

You really could and did fool everyone there.

It’s just so weird.

People use body mods to scantily dress and ERP with other people.

Guess this is why 14 has a reputation for being a second life game.

Dont speak about matters you dont understand.

I dont hold no hate towards punyelf i actually respect her very much and i think she knows that.

But i wont sit here and let lies spread about what my so called evil intentions are.

Where i have no such intentions at all.

But you have no idea how to push her buttons. I’m good with people believe it or not XD And sometimes I like to bait her a bit, not that I’m extremely proud of it (just a little bit)

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I like food pics. I am very biased, ofc, but anyone who has seen my insta would know that :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

This whole thread is just people chatting so there is no right or wrong.

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Like you did with listed building you had no clue about and just made up ramble’s anyway enough with talking to you going to do the best thing i can and just blank you as i do not engage with pathological liar’s.

I will not see any of your replie’s as they are basically full of it.


All those unread notifications. Then again, i’m not great at replying either but my social cirlce tends to be rather small so the notifications don’t get to pile up on that front.

Mine’s set to mute everything after 23/11PM for that reason as well, just in case.

Now that’s what i call a double-whammy of anxiety.

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I should really set an auto mute time because I’m notoriouisly bad for turning it back on in the morning.

People that know me from discord or forums will find it hard to believe but I’m very sociable and I always loved being in centre of attention XD but as I grew older I kinda stopped caring about having a lot of friends and I focus on my inner circle I’m most comfortable with. So I kinda stop replying and eventually they stop msging xd

I stand very much the same on both games.

I prefer to point out the positives about ff to wowplayers.

Likewise you dont see it here but i point out the positives of wow to ff players too.

That is different than verbally attacking someone like you are with me right now.

Just back off.

This is the best I can show right now. I’m not at home so I can’t take ingame screenshots. :joy:


This place happened :dracthyr_crylaugh:
Intense drama then he stopped posting.
Either due to aforementioned drama, simply ran out interest/gametime or changed name/persona.
Beefyclown and several other variations of -something-Clown.

Shame. Cool dude.


I couldnt have, only bnet app does that currently and I keep it on cause i enjoy the seldom joke from few. But like now i noticed to had phone on flightmode for past few days :smile:

I even have different apps make different noises.

One app I have to use purely for my Dad because he wont use any other.

Havent thought of that there can be different sounds, but ofc there could when could do it with ringtones too. Thats kinda neat :smile:

You know i was just thinking to myself.

If people went to other videogame forums with active moderation (not blizzard related) and acted the same as they do here with no difference.

Who do you think that is here wouldnt get permanently banned sooner or later?

You for definite.


You for starters.