šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Ive never been banned anywere else other than this forum.

And i dont change how i act what you get is what you get.

I know for a fact there is more than a few people who would suffer the ban hammer for some the stuff they get up to here.


Not something to be proud about really :grimacing:


On the contrary actually, yes i am strongly opinionated.

But outside of this forums generally speaking iā€™m liked by most people i encounter.

I would love this place to go battletag posting asap.

The whole forum would change drastically over night would be quite the spectacle.

Why do you think half the stuff which happens here never happens on other blizzard forums?

It makes it easier for me tbh. If itā€™s a certain sound I know itā€™s a higher priority than others.

Might be a feature i should put to use as well but maybe more so when it comes to ringtones from specific people.

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I donā€™t actually get many calls and if itā€™s not a number I recognise I donā€™t answer it. Itā€™s just a personal phone though.


To be entirely honest this forums to me feels very much like a uncontacted tribe which has been cut off from all other life for as long as its existence.

Which is why i find it so facinating and keep returning.

There is a very big social difference to this forum and everyday life outside of it.


One thing i like about my current phone (had to switch since the personal ID app used for more or less everything no longer worked in my old one) is that it shows if a number is likely to be some kind of spam. Means i know if i can safely decline the call or not if itā€™s a number i donā€™t know.

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Barely anyone uses other blizzard forums, they are quite literally dead.

You freely admit to not being adaptable in your personality, you are one way everywhere and for every situation and that isnā€™t the positive you think it is.

If you acted on any other platform like you do here, argumentative, baity, combatative, rude then you would be permabanned faster than chocolate cake at a slimming world convention. You arenā€™t the innocent victim of a mass conspiracy here, you literally start drama then yell ā€œnot me, I didnā€™t do nuthinā€ and have been for years and picking a new target more then you change underwear.

Seriously, go enjoy the fantastic life you keep telling us you have instead of squandering your time here.


If it did go battletag id probably quit the forum :slight_smile:

Even though it is something i fully feel needs to happen

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Been getting spoof calls of my area lately, soon as I hear the dead space I know itā€™s a spam call and just roll my eyes. They tried it with a local middle eastern restaurant lately claiming to be my phone provider :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Iā€™m tempted to say GET A REAL JOB but nah I just end it.


Iā€™m dating a really good looking A list Hollywood actor but instead of spending time with him Iā€™m going to spend all my time on the wow forums causing argumentsā€¦ :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


The difference is here im made to look like a villian.

Irl im not.

I dont have reason to question peoples accusations and motives irl.

But here its a near daily fight.

All i gotta do is type a honest sentence :joy:

Put it this way.

Anada(sorry to use you as a example :heart:)

Said she was finding the pvp talk boring no one batted a eyelid.

I hint there is a better place for it, the pvp forum, which is true.

And i get demonised.

Better than browsing reddit whilst I eat my tea.


90% of the time no one even acknowledges you until you harp on and on and on and cause drama and an argument then shout ā€œBut I didnā€™t do nuthin!! Iā€™m the victim here!! look its all X personā€ and X person changes depending on what colour socks you put on that morning.


My favourite is still getting called by ā€œmicrosoftā€ some years ago. Didnā€™t think iā€™d actually be the target of some indian scam call center but at least i got to waste their time for a bit.

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As soon as I get home 'ol Murly will pose for some better pics. :wink:

That will end the drama for sure. :footprints::eyes::footprints: