🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

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I think it’s a cunning plan…

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For dinner zucchini and bacon quiche, really good for summer:


Yet it looks like a pizza :thinking:

Either way, I wants to eat it.

Was just thinking that dont know whats zucchini or quiche but looks like pizza and i would have slice of it eitherway :joy:

A quiche is a French savory pie made with vegetables, cheese (lots of it), bacon etc. It’s delicious! It’s a classic here in Switzerland as well. :yum:

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We call it courgette but I prefer the word zucchini.

In Italian they’re called zucchine, so for me zucchini is more natural.

Our quiches look more like this:

Pastry with the crimps and a lot phatter. Yours looks better though tbh.

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That one is actually from Google (I never take pics of my actual food lol), the one my mom makes is also a bit fluffier than the one on the pic.

It was great.
Weather God’s pulled a fast one on me. Sunny and very hot. Didn’t rain until I got home.
I kind of messed up though.
I didn’t bring any camera stuff besides my phone and I did not think about the time I’d save on not messing about with a tripod and digital camera every 100m. So I completed the entire trip one day early… Missed the rain though as I said so can’t complain too much ^^

Some potato pics I took:


Yeah this looks like good location with alot variety, jackpot :ok_hand::smile:

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Looks wonderful. Forests and I think I saw a lake, both of which I love.


Fingers crossed for ManU!

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Oh yeah.
Every kilometer it changes into something different.
Hope you’ll have a great time on your day hike!


Oh. Well. I am disappoint.

Oh man… I used to play Castleville. Memories!

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Sorry. Where it is?

My guess is theres Kings and Queens and theyre locally called as Kungen and Drottning :slight_smile:


Dude that red lionguard set look amazing and Ashbringer with it :open_mouth:

I knew there were the blue one but didnt know there were 3 other color variations for it too. I need this red one but I dont have human other than warlock :open_mouth: