🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Doesn’t matter. Any armor class can wear it.
Just do the heritage quest.

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Wait, does all heritage armor sets have multiple colors? I thought they had only 1, human has 3 for theirs :dracthyr_a1:

No. Only the ‘cool’ races do. :kissing_heart:

Gnomes aren’t cool. :sweat:

So unfair!! :dracthyr_cry_animated:

It’s part of SmĂ„landsleden.

Basically as typical and middle of Sweden as you can get.
It’s the birthplace of Astrid Lindgren and Albert Engström so if you’re familiar with their works it’s a really interesting hike because you’ll recognize almost every village, forest and lake from their works. Also almost every show was filmed there.

A lot of our trails are named after various Nordic kings or just kingspath or similar so it is a safe bet xD

Translation of our King’s wise words:
To hunt a moose.
You have to think like a moose.


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Kungensland, Ive been in Sandhamn there read Kungens hamn in some sign, they apparently sail from there. Kungens harbor in Kungensland :dracthyr_nod:

She wrote Pippi LĂ„ngstrump, they had brief show of her in same place where went see Vasa ship museum in Stockholm. There were simulator what one could self assemble cargo for the ship so it wouldnt had sank :sweat_smile:

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Then the king proceeded to take a dump in the woods and made the following noises:


He’s a very avid hunter and outdoors person so 100% he’s done exactly that
 probably numerous times :sweat_smile:

If people hadn’t intervened the entire country and everything in it would’ve probably been names something related to the kings.
Scary amount of places called Kungs (kings), Karl (a king), Gustav (another king), Krona (crown) -something.
Like Karlstad (Karl’s-city) which is named after Karl IX, by Karl IX.

Without being too biased x)
The Vasa museum is a really cool place. I totally recommend it for anyone visiting Stockholm.

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What’s his spec? :smirk:

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Kungs kaffemugg, Kungens fjÀrrkontroll, Kungens tofflor. Atleast in our homes everyone are King :sweat_smile:

Ja, I specifically recommend the sim that lets one load cargo of the ship themselves to try how it would had sailed or sank or not. The whole ship itself and everything were very impressive view to see from inside building.

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Well there’s a fair amount of my childhood, right there.
Read many of her books and saw many series and movies based on her books.



He often hunts with dogs so maybe BM? xD

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It was Hairyclown and similar alts - i remember he went off on one about a few people bullying Twiggz and vowed never to return to the forums


So, a human royal BM hunter with hunting dogs for pets.

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Sounds about right! Stormwind tabard also would be must :lion:

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I like him already.

Although, seriously: Not really. I don’t condone hunting for sport in real life.
Hunting animals for amusement is sickening imo.

Why did you post a child in guard armor?
There must be child labour laws against that sort of thing, even in Azeroth.

But he is the King, he does what King wants, thats how it goes :astonished:

Sorry, puny - i will stop the heavy breathing calls at 3am now :rofl::rofl:


Yeah, if it were up to me, I’d get rid of all of it. Royalty is such an outdated concept.