šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Ay ay ay, we cant just do that. Or can we? :scream:

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Off with her pigtails!


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I live in Finland, I vote we start from Finland!

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Sureā€¦ You go ahead and start.
Iā€™ll be thereā€¦ Ehmā€¦ Soon ā„¢

We have had 2 monarchies, theyre long gone :smiley:

We (The Netherlands) still have one.
Leeching on taxpayers.


I tend to agree. Maybe not to the same degree but yes ^^
Weā€™re very strict when it comes to hunting and the amount allowed each year is based around animal population for that year.
Also Iā€™ve never heard of anyone not using the meat, hide, horns etc which is good.
But still. Iā€™m happy itā€™s handled with respect here (except for poachers) and I try (poorly) to avoid telling others what they should or shouldnā€™t do when theyā€™re legally allowed. So itā€™s simply something I donā€™t partake in. Which is ironic because I have a hunting license :grin:

Again, I agree.
At the very least not to throw as much as taxpayer money at it as we currently do.

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I more hate the billionaires who do absolutely nothing and just buy expensive things for the sake of it; like a t-shirt for thousands of pounds. You could easily get a very decent t-shirt for Ā£30 max and thatā€™s being pretty picky imo. I think beyond Ā£10 is ridiculous.

Iā€™d rather we get rid of all them than the monarchy. The monarchy are actually forced to do constant charity and public work, always be perfect, never say a bad thing or stand up for themselves and be scrutinised by the media and everyone in the world simply for being born into it.

Iā€™m sure they would like to not be royal and have a normal life; no, they donā€™t have the same problems as everyday people but that doesnā€™t mean they donā€™t have problems. Theyā€™ll never get that in the UK, people will always want to know about them. Unless youā€™re Harry :clown_face:


My only reason to complete that questline. Itā€™s crazy good for a scarlet RPer and I got both a good weapon and shield from TP to go with it (the weapon is still up, btw).

Thatā€™s alright, just do it with that lock and the set should stay saved for your other toons.

Itā€™s a little sad itā€™s primarily designed with warriors and paladins in mind, even if my only hooman is a warrior. There should have been a cloth and leather version (with leather being usable by hunters, because most mail mogs are eww).

Hmm, technically the belf armor has a robe and a tunic, because as a pally I doubt you wanna wear a dress.

I do wish the velf armor worked like that, but thankfully Lesser Wizardā€™s Robe is a perfect match for casters.

Velves are cool yet only thereā€™s a single set, boo!

(It is a good set though!)

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It does also need to factor in what having a royal family may do for a countryā€™s ability to market itself through having them as representatives. Of course that does bring up the issue of having that role being inherited compared to having it elected, like with a president.

Most european royal families donā€™t get to exhibit too much political power because trying that would lead to a french revolution lite.

Mel Brooks said its good to be the King, what a poet :sweat_smile:

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I donā€™t like either of those things.
Both of them could make due with way less and be absolutely fine.

Well apparently not cool enough.
I feel you. Gnomes are in the same boat.

I have to disagree with you there. I hate the void elf heritage armor. Itā€™s extremely ugly imo.

The heritage armors I like: Orc, Magā€™har, Goblin, Kul Tiran (not all of it, but the coat is cool), Vulpera, Troll and the two Tauren ones I like, but to a lesser degree.

The other racesā€™ heritage sets I donā€™t like as a whole, but some have nice individual parts. :slight_smile:

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Ye, ours basically have no political power what so ever. Which makes me question the need for royalty even more.
On one hand it probably has some benefits and I do enjoy the idea of keeping traditions alive.
But on the other hand I question if that super extravagant lifestyle is needed to keep that tradition alive.
Years back some newspaper tried to calculate how much the royal house here costs the taxpayer versus what it earned and the income was nowhere near the expense.
But itā€™s not something thatā€™s easily calculated and I donā€™t remember how they did it so :dracthyr_shrug:
Iā€™m also very cynical and donā€™t believe political/royal relations mean anything and is just thrown away or upheld to suit whatever the situation requires.

Aaand it would be super hilarious to see the royal family living a standard suburban lifestyle and have real jobs :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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I agree over consumption is kinda meh but I dont know what to do anything about it, I just do decisions as one guy like ā€œdo i rly need thisā€ etc and buy what gives me most value overall, but Im also not rich so I dont have much choise :rofl:

His films are hilarious- his parodies of Star Wars and Robin Hood in particular :rofl:
I didnt mention Blazing Saddles either, but none of his films would get past the censors these days

I agree the one parody made from star wars is bis tier content :smiley:

ā€œWhats up Colonel Sanders ?? Are you chicken??ā€ :rofl:


Waddup :sunglasses: Iā€™m only here to report that tonite weā€™re going hard. Only 1-0 but who cares. Solid performance, couple of unlucky situations, Garnacho trolling hard.

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I do prefer them having no real political power since iā€™m not fond of dictatorships but it also helps that itā€™s allowed to scrutinize them, unlike in certain other countries with an active monarchy. Granted, especially England take the scrutiny part and dials it up to 100 because tabloids feel like they need something to write about. Glad it isnā€™t nearly as bad here in Denmark.

Not sure how theyā€™d even calculate it without a whole lot of guesstimates. Short of asking tourists if the royal family played a role in them visiting and to what degree then itā€™s hard to get any quantifiable number. I do have the feeling that the danish royal family is maybe a little more active than the Dutch one but that may just be because we donā€™t have newspapers writing much about the Dutch royal family in general.

It would but even more so iā€™d like to see certain billionaires live the life of more ordinary people.