šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Now thatā€™s just a given, especially if Man U is winning.

Sounds like you should have some cake! :cake:

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Perseverance was the key for you guys tonight - that Fulham keeper is quality

Pleaseā€¦ Respect the art.

Sorryā€¦ Iā€™m a complete film snob.

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If we have to have royalty. Royalty with no political power is the way to do it.
England still has much of the monarchy=appointed by God of ye olā€™ and actively promotes the status and rule of the crown. I think a lot of the tabloid drama is mostly a reaction to the crown itself drumming up itā€™s own importance.
We have some royal drama here from now and then but itā€™s usually a reaction to when they themselves stirr it up.
Mostly theyā€™re quiet and no one here gives a hoot or even remember they exist.

Probably a whole truckload full of ā€œscientificā€ guesstimates ^^

They should make a tv show about it. Put a bunch of royals/billionaires living the working manā€™s life and the winner is the one that can last the longest.

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It was funny film the name just has risk I didnt see worth to take, my risk takes are calculated :joy:

That remind of the tv show where they intentionally choose two extremes from opposite sides of something and put them live each others lives for week or the like. Example A let his children do whatever they want and example B had almost military discipline and thats just one of the dozen examples. Other example spends with no thought and other example saves every penny etc. Contrast with twist when others of the household still remain.

Risk? I really donā€™t see that.
If the title ā€˜Spaceballsā€™ is a risk, I donā€™t want to live on this planet anymore.


Seen posts disappear from less, but it is what it is. We know how it goes, but anyways! Of to other topics of conversations :smiley:

Well yeah (I have personal experience in the matter), but stillā€¦ Saying the title of a movie that doesnā€™t have any curse words or anything like that in it, should be fine. If you canā€™t say ā€˜ballsā€™, then weā€™re also not supposed to talk about sports I guess? Or what? :joy:

Or is ā€˜spaceā€™ the bad word here?! :kissing_heart:

Interpretation is the key, I cant really speak freely in forum so I avoid risks I dont see worth. It is what it is :sweat_smile:

Vanilla yogurt with granola and huge pile blueberries and can cream on top man that hit the spot :blueberries:

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Good morning! :sun_behind_large_cloud:


Not usually an orange juice drinker but something about that colour makes me want to down both glasses.




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Behave Twiluna

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Those green goggles go really well with your fur colour and transmog. I approve! :ok_hand:

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Thank you :smiley:

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Youā€™ve experiments to run, there is research to be done, on the people who are still alive?