🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Okay, I decided on my TWW main. VDH :sunglasses: :call_me_hand:


Henlo hoomans! Soul created a discord server, feel free to join.


Remember to praise his red hair as you enter. And watch your mouth.

Otherwise, you get fed to Fergus and Roscoe. His only warning.

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Don’t you think you should let Soul advertise his own discord instead of trying to stick your nose in and take control before it’s even ready? :grimacing:

I believe he is on forced forum vacation.

I am aware, but my point still stands :wink:

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My first wow discord weee :sweat_smile:

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He gave me permission to do so. He’s on vacay like I said maybe yesterday.

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I’m sure all the drama that’s going to flow over to here will be enjoyable



Hey this is great news!

On behalf of the rest of the forum I’d like to request you keep your petty squabbles, personal life (lies or otherwise), creepy behavior and general phooey there where it belongs.

Have fun!


You young people and your discord servers. Way back we had to create a website for those a bit annoyed with the moderation on the old off-topic forum.


Damn those young whippersnappers!

Gonna press the giant X to doubt on that one Dunkiee :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

I’m only in the invisible mass flagging one :male_detective:

Was a good time while it lasted but interest in posting on it and keeping it alive slowly waned and the guy hosting it couldn’t afford the cost after maybe a good year or two.

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All things in moderation, pun intended :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Just got back from going out to lunch and a wander about


I would post a pic where he gave permission, nay, actually asked me to post the link if I had TL3…

The Secret Flagging Discord?

What do you mean by that, it DOESN’T exist! I tell you!

It’s invisible, at the monthly meeting discussing whose getting mass flagged they give out cinnamon buns and sambuca shots then pick random names out of a bowler hat that is rumoured to have once belonged to Mankrik’s wife’s brothers uncles cousins sisters boy.

And somehow it’s always me getting banned from forums :sob:

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I bet someone slipped a few additional papers with your name on them into the bowler hat. Time to hunt for the culprit.

This is correct, there is no such thing.

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