🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Today’s cake is Red Velvet.
A chocolate sponge with vanilla and a cream cheese buttercream. And of course red food colouring. If I ever made it myself I’d just skip that part. Not entirely sure what the stuff ontop is but it looked tasty. Maybe cherry flavoured? Mmnumnumnum.

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I guess yeah, dome isnt much help when nobody stand on it anyway. Best would be mw revive remove the living bomb from all if that is still a thing in tww, I guess were looking caster mw and rdruid meta here for solobg and disc would also be better than holy for it probably :dracthyr_shrug:

Yeah, I don’t think meta for RBG will shift too far. If you or enemy get RNG team stuffed with MW, assassin rog and boomies its going to be a wash. Can see people leaving very quickly when they notice on BGE.

I were watching supatease play frost he were doing good with it too, at one point he noticed that after his streaming frostmage for while the entire enemy teams start be full frostmages when theyre watching him play and jumping on their mages too :joy:

To be honest, I’d rather go up against a mage than an Elemental Shaman. 3s is pretty much unplayable at the moment. Every lobby is stacked with Elemental Shamans, Death Knights, or Retribution Paladins. It’s super boring, can’t wait until it’s over.

Yeah Ive quit shuffle for the duration of this prepatch. Ive had fun playing assa and mage in solobg however.

Its shame and this is the phase where we would test stuff without rating but theyre not tuned to lvl 80 like armor is nerfing all physical dealing classes right now or some just overperforming in general from patch but no adjustments come till season, i found it too boring go look elemental kill ppl in 20 seconds of round start too, they wont see it coming and they dont know to stun him or press nothing so rounds just end in seconds after you waited 10-15min for game. 5 more weeks for season start. Think Ill still prefer solobg over shuffle when season begin :dracthyr_a1:

licks phone

Thanks you :smiley: that helps a lot :smiley:

My budget for an upgrade kit is around R20 000 which translates to roughly 1000 pounds

currently have I7 4th gen (motherboard is too old for new stuff)((hence upgrade kit))
enough SSD’s luckly
GTX 1070 8gb
8gb ram, was 16 but 2 sticks died

g-card ill get separately from budget


You might have better luck asking this on a techy subreddit :computer: :thinking:

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Ryzen is your best pick for 1000 pound build with no difference to intel any would see and Alagondar gave good advice, I build them too for self and friends and just general interest on pcs.

If you wanna also something cool with minor investment to the new build I suggest get one m.2 ssd stick to the mobo theyre 50-60 euro basically nothing and give you fast loads for minor investment.

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i know but i love this forum :3

use local :smiley:


Why go fishin further than sea I mean, man knows :joy:

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Thanks !

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Was just a thought. Reddit is so useful for these sorts of questions and I don’t even have an account. If reddit doesn’t have the answer nobody doooes!

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Sorry for the late reply, yeah im just looking for an upgrade kit mainly because i want an updated mobo atm with more than 8gb ram xD, 8 feels like a paladin in a speedrun xD

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Middle of day breakfast photo picture. Rye bread with bacon and cheese, I add some salad for flavor too. Already ate one as posting this and it taste like bacon and was good, would eat again :dracthyr_a1:

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16 is pretty much standard these days if gaming is a main hobby.

32gb at the extreme.

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Get one m.2 ssd stick for the mobo and throw windows and games on it, you can buy one for 50-60 euro for 250 giga size example and its faster than your old ssd and can put pics and stuff on the old ssd but keep wow and os on the m.2 stick. Its fun upgrade if want something with cheap investment :slight_smile:

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use to have 16, but now with only 8, i can feel the delays in anything i do on my pc xD MOAR RAM!!!

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