šŸŽ­ GD Chat Room (Part 3)

What do you enjoy more?


What do you want to play?

lol i like them both. But maybe VDH ever so slightly more. But I heard itā€™s gonna be harder than War in M+.

I find DH to be a lot more fun.

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Do a coin flip, if you are disappointed with the result itā€™s the wrong one!


Wonā€™t know that until S1 i guess. :stuck_out_tongue:

I would biasedly say prot war cause found it most fun tank from the ones that ive played from bdk, guardian druid, war. But then would need to know if one cares of minmaxing and whats the goal and the like. I guess vdh will be broken again or atleast wouldnt surprise me if were like for sl :dracthyr_a1:

Iā€™m going with VDH. Thereā€™s a good chance weā€™re gonna play aug + 2casters and VDH is the best for that team comp

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Hows tanking in tww does any know, do they still collect big pile and run circle around it like in sl while dps transfer aggro with md/trix and tank run it into tight pack as circling around it. Dh were best in that too in sl

One doesnā€™t care about min maxing, but one likes VDH, so maybe I will play that. lol

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Like the Faceless man Jaqen Hā€™ghar one does not care of minmaxing :joy:

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I do like this variety in the top comp for the last 3 seasons. At least it means mage will have a spot unless the damage is too underwhelming for all specs just because of arcane intellect.

If I was maining mage in TWW Iā€™d play arcane for sure. Unless they tweak fire numbers cos right now itā€™s a wet noodle

Yeah, it does seem like i really have to bite that bullet this time around. Even for the last few seasons it hasnā€™t been too worth it playing fire in the key range i tend to play because of the damage profile and length of encounters/pulls.

I resubbed shortly before prepatch. I only played each season to obtain portals in DF so imagine young, handsome, peak male physique, strong mental Jakub getting ready to blast some keys, impress all the ladies, and ignite in prepatch is bugged cos of m+ mob scalingā€¦ XD

It is sad, especially when living bomb makes it all fun and constant explosives. Hereā€™s to hoping that it at least gets tuned to a level of being decent in TWW.

i dont know why everyone keeps leaving me ā€¦ its not my fault im faster and stronger than everyone else ā€¦ if you ask me personally

just last weekā€¦ i picked up my friends a car ā€¦ by accident, mind you ā€¦ it was blocking my imaginary drivewayā€¦

i barely touched it but the whole thing crumpledā€¦ now Kyle wont talk to me anymore ā€¦ but really, what was i supposed to do? let it sit there? ā€¦ its not my fault

then there was the whole moon thingā€¦ i didnt mean to go to the moon ā€¦ i just jumped a little too hardā€¦ next thing i knew i was floating up there ā€¦ youd think that would impress peopleā€¦ but nope, nobody believes me anymore

i dont get itā€¦ im not bragging ā€¦ its just the truth

its not my fault other people cant keep up

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They nerfed living bomba so much that dunno if fire can be on par with frost or arcane on aoe but I guess ignite also did alot aoe even before this new version of living bomb so its possible. Need to know how the dungeons in tww play, if they make huge pulls with vdh just running around the pack then frostmage would be noice to help control the pull :dracthyr_a1:

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Hello Murley, I also had another song in mind when type that :smiley:

Its Bomba O Non Bomba

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