🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Im just glad it soon disappears as pulsing eye catcher from the character creation like plunder were, havent done nothing in remix :smiley:

Follower dungeons are rubbish, the loot is bad and the XP is poor. BUUUUT if you want to see the dungeons, or have quests that need finishing (curse blizzard for still doing that) then it is worth having a quick run through on one, I’ve done ruby life pools and one of the others I needed for a quest and it is the first time I’ve ever done a dungeon when it was current.

That was my point, about being a solo (friendless) player in an MMO, I as also trying to be funny but as is common in weird channel 4 sitcoms, it went over the other cast members heads.


We’ve had it for most of DF. You get to see the dungeon, do any quests in there and find out the story. Definitely nothing in the vault for it. As someone who can’t do group stuff it was like a miracle to be able to see the same stuff as ‘normal’ players.


Its alright, i havent slept much and its easy to get confused when talking of different topics, but you was right follower dungeons will be good for him and my fault was start confusing that but it isnt m+ :joy:

M+ was the worst thing ever added to this game.


I enjoyed the content but never had constant team other than 2-3man or so we always had to pug few so never got the whole “social experience” etc out of it that is seen on stream when those groups are joking and having fun playing m+. I kinda lost interest to the lfg part of it when didnt have full group, its about hanging out with ppl and playing video game for me more than the actual key. Lfg is often toxic and experience is unpleasant dealing with it and I wasnt interested enough on the key itself than the hanging out for weekend and playing some m+ aspect of it that team provides. I do like the ramping up challenge that m+ provides however just not enough to withstand the constant unpleasantries that playing only lfg brings.

They are chilled - im quite possibly the world’s worst fury warrior but never been flamed in the 6 years ive been in that community


Dungeons are fine, they are an integral part of an MMORPG but the second you add in a timer, affixes and a competitive atmosphere to them? You add in toxicity and your average joe gamer who now has to minmax every last little detail of his game from his character race/class to every piece of gear and gems and enchants and if someone isn’t fully minmaxxed they get the toxic abuse thrown at them.

It leeches the fun away.

Best fun I ever had in a dungeon was running deadmines with my husband and my eldest, I was playing my original char, a rogue and had just button mashed my way through, had cata questing gear and we spent ages in there. I ended up getting the parrot pet at the end and was sooo proud of my loot.

Now everyone is depressed all the time because the vault doesn’t give them exactly what they need every week.


The increasing difficulty with timing keys gives me content, I like that aspect of it that the content sorta never ends and only limit is how high can push them through season. So I saw that as positive change for game when they added them. But youre also right that theres negative aspect with it if taken too seriously, I think its same with everything. If would just have one thing it would probably become boring eventually but if add variety or increase challenge it brings something new and then for players end would fall finding balance in all this to not start take it too seriously so it doesnt lose the fun. I dont have much care for esport myself, I dont watch awc or mdi or follow world first at all. I just play the game myself and try to have fun the best to my knowledge.

this statement is simply not true. I’ve timed keys for portals with the biggest pepegs imaginable. I’ve never witnessed any abuse, toxicity, nothing. I’m sorry but that sentiment is usually presented by people who are simply getting older and can no longer keep up with changes in games.

And if you are signing up to a key level that requires certain amount of preparations like enchants, knowing which casts are priority, which can go through, then you should simply be prepared.

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Only toxicity in m+ I encountered came from lfg, cause needed to go in comms to coordinate kicks and cc in the pulls and then playing only lfg you meet dozens of people through the day and I cant say everything ive heard in discord playing these keys but lets say its not pleasant to listen :smiley:

I would definitely hence only care play with some likeminded group for laugh on weekends etc type m+ pushing. Everyone I played with we just listened some music bot usually or just chat something for laughs, then the pugs we invited from lfg were the ones that say some unpleasantries if there were any cause they got no attachments so they can be as toxic as they want even if fault was theirs they could start screaming something meh and leave key, I just didnt care play like that. :joy:

Kinda my point though, why should a dungeon run require preparation of certain gear, enchants, gems and cast priority? Where is the fun?

“Oh no, I forgot to not use X on that guy and save it for that other guy and now I’ve ruined this key I better go back to youtube and study my rotation for this key level again” :scream: it’s ridiculous

And it’s the reason I spend more time pretending to be a simple merchant whilst pickpocketing random passers by in Orgrimmar instead :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


On the contrary i find M+ to be a part of what revitalised the game in a way with Legion due to the role of dungeons in the game at that point.

Level’ing had gotten so fast with the focus on endgame content that running dungeons in a more leasurely manner was getting increasingly either obsolete or done in a min-max speed run way to hit max level faster.
Even the introduction of weekly lockout mythic dungeons in late WoD wasn’t enough to really give it the kick it needed to be relevant again. Meanwhile heroic dungeons since WotLK had mostly been about getting gear or currency towards getting a character ready to raid so a lot of that also turned into min-max speed running. When they tried increasing the difficulty in early Cata that just led to complaints to where any queue’able PvE content now is made with no failure in mind.

Personally it was also a welcome thing for me to engage with that wasn’t a raid or die thing for a character’s endgame with PvP as a possible other venture. While i don’t care too much for pugging then it’s still enjoyable for me to do with some i know.

But its also great that theres different ways to play the game, something for all :dracthyr_a1:

You can sign for keys you’re comfortable with. You can even do m0s daily in TWW so I don’t see the issue here. M+ right now is carrying retail wow hard. Game has evolved a lot. Class gameplay is really good right now and if you refuse to play your spec with proper rotation and cooldown usage, you’re most welcome to. Just don’t sign for groups with people who have different mindset to yours.

Yup, thats what I said too. That its good theres variety and even increasing challenge and then the rest is on players end to find balance not kill the joy from it. Its a video game for fun :joy:

Its good that theres something for all too.

My irl friends hyped me for Cata so hard. We had like 13 people from irl playing cata. I survived 2 raid lockouts before quitting. Not having any challenging content in the game was just miserable experience.

I don’t do group content at all anymore, sadly my brain stops turns to cotton wool and even if I know my rotation 100% perfectly in the open world or in a calm solo dungeon it will not be there in a group situation, that isn’t fair on the other people.

I also pick my talents based on what I find most fun to play not on what some guy says is the best for highest dps :dracthyr_hehe_animated: This is why I am one of the few people who enjoyed azerite and corruption and can’t wait for BfA remix…


I’ve pugged hundreds of keys and almost no one is toxic. At the lower levels some players are noobs who get one shot by avoidable mechanics and most of the time no one cares or says anything.

It isn’t anything like what people on the forums make it seem like.

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The ppl that i had friends who didnt like m+ said they dont like speed running. I guess that aspect puts some off. Key difficulty matters there tho, only really high ones need to be “speed ran” if want time them and rest can be quite chill group activity, social aspect mostly.