🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

Ah, I hated plunder and I havent played remix so its kinda in same boat for me :smile:

I’d probably have done the same if they hadn’t made almost all the PvP off-set pieces buyable from a vendor instead of insisting on players playing the Ashran/RBG box roulette weekly throughout the entire expansion. That lasting a good full patch was bad enough still.

Nah, and i’d have to question the sanity of anyone having it as their favourite.

Fanta lemonade, that is what I will have. Orange soda with added orange flavour :smile:

Plunderstorm was a game of skill, choose a small race and hide then sacrifice yourself to the stormwall once you’ve done the task.

I once got to 3rd place by just hiding behind trees :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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I saw people pretend to be moving bushes :joy:

Pretty much my exact sentiment.
Problem with WoD was its cut and rushed content.


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It will depend on the key level but anyone apprehensive about getting in the keys should if they want to.

The first key I ever did was a DoS +2 and the healer and I (tank) noobed it up by dying to Shatter Reality and no one hated.

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Doesn’t that apply to every single Nordic countries ? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Nah, just the Norwegians and Swedes. Just don’t ask either of them about their view on it.

Hey I am nordic too I am from Finland :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Points out in the list of nordic countries

Finland feels more like the one who looks at the scandinavians wondering what’s up with them.


As association I had to think my head split what were the nordic artist with raspy sound from the 90’s, thank the gods remembered, now I can rest :joy:


I thought they were uniting like brothers against Danemark!

What about the nordic bands of the early 2000s where almost all the members had that similar haircut. :eyes:

(great albums by the way, I have both of them)

Good morning everyone!! There appears to be some confusion as to my my discord channel, small as it may be and hopefully remains so. Yes I did give Dunkiee permission to post a link as obviously I couldn’t do so myself due to my latest silence, so hopefully it clears that up.

Now to more pleasant matters!!

I know you all missed me (not), but I know at least one person did. I of course refer to my greatest fan (insert prexix here)sage, who I am glad to say is so devoted to the cause of Souldefiler they even see fit to reference me in threads Im not even participating in!

So to thank you (insert prefix here)sage, may I share the honour and the absolute pleasure of mine personally, to bequeath you with one of my more delightful poses.

Treasure it.
Adore it.
Dream about it.
We know you do anyway.

But above all else. keep being you my lovely little cringing obsessive.


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Why unite against the second best Scandinavian country? Rather get rid of Ikealand AKA the france of Scandinavia.

Just try it!

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That’s not right. He should be holding a small white flag and running in the opposite direction :thinking:

Only to draw your cavalry away from your main force right into our trap to be swiftly defeated by a volley of musket fire that was awaiting them on the other side of the grassy hill. Swiftly followed by a daring and brutal counter charge of our own! Ha!

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