🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

blizzard finally got me :frowning:


Oh noes those evil Bliizzard people. :joy:

Whyyyyyyyyy? Now I need bleach for my eyes again! :sob:


Would help if they could spell ‘Blizzard’ properly :rofl:


I read people talk of the health pools too and were wondering if they will make stat squish soon. Dmg is becoming too big again aswell for numbers when we have basic core spells hitting over 1 million. And yeah 7mil health pools look silly.

Well, in their defense; they obviously can’t use ‘Blizzard’ as a name. :sweat_smile:

that name was taken by another 3rd world scammer

Its nice mug, I love this type stuff. Favorite chair or favorite mug that we grow attached to etc :slight_smile:

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Hey, me too!


I only get wow.exe light up and I think its solobg popping but its just some whispers if I want to join their guild with some name that I dont like :smile:

I dont reply to them cos they may mass report me.

I think its automated. Or it’s some paid lackey just spamming this message to active people; they probably couldn’t care less what is said to them. They’re just farming clicks.

Idk if I had to guess it’s some vietnamese guy trying to steal my credit card info and in game gold.

It’s a shame this happens, and I did report this person/bot straight after. You could imagine a vulnerable player easily falling into this trap unfortunately, so hopefully others did the same.


Yeah its just meh type scam attempt, same as any email, txt or call fishing attempts. Wish could just press some report on them in real aswell and move along. They send 5 million letters asking for money and dont even care how bad the scam is aslong some people fall to it. The matter how badly they try to scam annoys me maybe even more than the disturbance of it :joy:

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Hey, this is Michael Jackson. I’m still alive but I lost my wallet and I’m stuck in Malta. Please lend me some money so I can come back to United States and start making music again.


Yes, this type of stuff… makes me roll eyes when I get those email or txt. Its funny it annoy me more how bad they try scam instead the disturbance of it. I guess they just dont care aslong some fall to it.

Sorry, you’re not a nigerian prince so i can’t trust you.


Everyone knows Dansk can’t be trusted :smiley: :smiley:

My grandma called me earlier this year, all nervous n stuff cos someone called her and said they’re my friend and that I’ve been in a car accident, killed soemone and now I’m in need of 20k cash ASAP. Luckily my grandmas first instict was to call me.

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I found that theyre trying to scam people with names like Billizard amusing too. All whisper from blizz goes to separate window anyway and with msg hello blizz employee is trying to contact you do you have a moment etc type stuff, someone just randomly whisper by name billizard asking for credit card numbers isnt even remotely credible :smile:

My nan is constantly calling me of every txt msg she receives now cause she reads in news how people are sent scams etc, then she calls me and say she is afraid to click anything. Generally I advice to not click anything anyway as its no harm if she doesnt and more harm if it happent to be some scam. She has received few legit scams too but they were really obvious ones. Shes almost 90 years old and barely just learnt to use phone and surf internet, shes vulnerable to these type scams and they confuse her.