🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 3)

I wish it was Thursday already

This isn’t high school. Being a nerd/geek is good here.


Whenever anyone calls me a nerd or geek I just say thank you :dracthyr_nod:


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We also love doggos so anytime you want to show of your pupper, we’re here, ready and waiting


Puppers, kittos, horsus… any animal Not bugs

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I was there Gandalf, 3000 years ago, when we were in high school!


It’s all fun and games to laugh and point at the geeks… until you realise that it’s pointing and laughing at the mirror.


I’ll post lots of cat pictures if and when I gain the ability to post images. :smile_cat:


I go in on Monday to have it removed and from there I have a lot of decisions to make. But its likely ill never work again. Im not looking forward to that.


Oh holy damn.
Not that I am in your situation but in similar in terms of work struggles, can’t think of anything I could realistically do.
Desk job gang?
Pet human?
(I’m going with the latter)


Not until you write a post that takes an hour to write, has at least 3 edits for fact checking and passes Nim’s “infodump” seal of quality.

And yes. We want to see your pets. Everybody’s pets. Even if they’re bugs.

Except moths.


Not sure that’s for geeks so much as autism :rofl:

No spiders either.

Ive always been physical labour, im not clever enough to be more than a navvy.

Im sitting at home absolutely bored and I cant even do anything in my garden because of my foot, and as a trained gardener im disgusted with myself.

So what am I doing…

Im recording myself playing Shadow of War lol.

I really hate fighting that ringwraith you have to fight with Eltariel in Minas Morgul.

So. Many. Orcs…

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I don’t like bugs. But I try not to kill them and just bring them outside. Except for mosquitos; those can go to hell.

Also… Tahra:


Hey, you will be able to garden again. It will be some time but you will. Maybe not the way you always used to but there are definitely ways. Even if they’re just little pots everywhere that drive the missus mad. You’ve got your hands, you can totally learn something. Not sure job wise but hobby wise? Yas queen.

If all else fails just do prank tiktoks :dracthyr_hehe_animated:
(disclaimer: not really)

I really ought to finish off my Souldefiler lore and I do want to draw my main story characters so I could do that at least

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One day I hope to see in the news “World says “ABOUT TIME!!” as Tik Tok pranker shot dead by traumatized victim”

I know the word is prankster, i was punning :wink:

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Squirrel on matches, image of rabbit on old knife. The knife is over 80 year old :dracthyr_a1:


The same squirrel after he saw you take a picture without his permission