đŸ“± Warcraft Mobile "Warcraft Arclight Rumble" starting now

well, so is all other mobile games, but got to do something on those long flights?

I don’t play any of those either.

I’d rather watch a movie or something.

yeah , despite having played plenty of LoL years ago HotS still got me to play it despite being another moba. It wasnt buggy and it had some fun and creative heroes like abathur. But in the end the overdose of mapobjectives and encountering alot of afkers and leavers ( about 50% of all games i played at some times) killed it for me.

Perhaps i should give it a try again if its still playable tho because now i find it hard to return to a moba like lol after years because some champions and the entire store changed alot making it annoying to research new builts again. Atleast Hots doesnt have that as much

Thank you for telling me all I need to know.

The developers of this microtransactions lootbox pay2win nonsense belong in the eighth circle of Hell. I wish it would stop, desperately.


Ok new information.

  • There is pvp.
  • Characters are random from lootboxes
  • Characters have diffrent rarity and power levels
  • It is p2w
    Good bye.
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Hahahaha KEKW WTH ?

is it p2w like people call hearthstone p2w but easily being able to play for free and be creative with builds or p2w as in some korean mmorpg with everything strong and important locked behind the store?

I’d guess it is P2W like CoC is P2W. You can get to the heights without paying but it is going to take you a whole lot longer than those who pay.

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My thoughts, just for the heck of it:

If it was a random company, then it would be an average run-of-the-mill mobile game. Nothing disastrously, nothing spectacularly, just a game.
But because it’s Blizzard the expectations are that they go above and beyond the average.
This looked average to me.

My disappointment in the Blizzard fan community is once again flourishing, as people have sat here and said they don’t like mobile game, they don’t want to play mobile games, and they don’t have mobile phones. And then when Blizzard announces a mobile game that they don’t like, then they complain that Blizzard didn’t make it interesting enough, didn’t make it cool enough, didn’t make it appealing to them – despite the fact that they have said on record that they don’t want to play mobile games!!!
I am getting a headache hearing comments from people who don’t give a toss about mobile games feeling upset that the mobile games don’t appeal to them.
Freaking make up your mind you stupid idiots!!!

My own personal feeling is it’s less than what I hoped for.
It feels like Blizzard have made a generic game and then slapped the Warcraft brand on it. But it looks like it’s Warcraft in name only, which was kind of what I feared. I get that Blizzard needs to reach a younger audience, and they don’t want to scare them away with a decades old franchise that they know nothing about. But I would have preferred if they had done more like Star Wars with The Clone Wars and just told a new story for a new audience.
The gameplay looked a bit soulless. My favorite type of mobile game with heroes and minions and lanes is definitely Kingdom Rush. It’s even heavily inspired by Blizzard’s Warcraft games!! And I must say that Warcraft Arclight Rumble appeared like the lesser of the two. Even the art style seemed a bit too simplistic to the point of appearing cheap-looking. I get that they’re going for a toy appearance, but I wasn’t feeling it too much.
It does look like there’s a lot of content and it’s very varied, which is good, but I already play Hearthstone and Hearthstone lines up a crazy amount of single-player adventures too, and I’ve never really felt compelled to do most of them.

We’ll see. I think it’s fair to say that this won’t be the next big thing for the people who are waiting for the next big thing. But as a thing you enjoy for a few minutes at a time whilst waiting for the bus? Sure, I can imagine that.


My game time ran out a week ago and the forum has finally caught up so I cannot post anymore.
I will probably come back for a month for 9.2.5 if just for the faction update or the new expansion if it actually turns out any good.

Good luck to anyone who sticks around.


That looks exactly how i picture awful cashgrabbing mobile games clichés.
Hard pass.


I’m really not a fan of mobile games (I actually have none installed on my current phone), but I could try it out, why not
 it could be fun for a train trip or similar
 but yeah I’m not impressed by it and the trailer was really cringy.


Well turns out it has loot boxes :grimacing:


We are the only group that don’t like mobile games, but we spend hundreads of $$ each year for stuff from WoW, tsh its, cups, ingame items. Tell me why Blizzard cannot make a mobile game that will be interesting for WoW players and make them spend money on this game?
I have lots of cash to spend but game looks so bad that spending money on it is shame for me. Geshin Impact looks better and have same cash grab system.

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Is blizzard just staffed with people who hates warcraft and just wanna make it worse?


maybe ill give it a shot but honestly, this is a new bottom for blizzard, those resources could go to a lot of interesting projects that appeal to blizzard gamers.

not even disappointed tho, its as bad as I expected

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I saw the gameplay video, it kind of looks like someone took a tower defence game and took the fun out of it. The combat doesnt look tactical at all. Idk if this is the standard for mobile games since i dont own a smartphone to play them on. But for a game in general it just seems like some high school students It project or like some badly made custom game from wc 3

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To me this mobile game is called Diablo Immortal.

It has everything that WoW has, just in a more modern and slick design.

So I quite look forward to that.

This Warcraft game was obviously never going to be yet another game with the same WoW/Diablo play design. Blizzard are already starting to become clones of themselves. And between WoW and its ongoing supply of expansions, as well as Diablo II Resurrected, Diablo Immortal, and Diablo IV, I think it’s fair to say that Blizzard caters quite heavily to the WoW player demographic.

That being said, I do scratch my head a bit when I look at this Warcraft Archlight Rumble game and go: “That’s it?”
I mean, Blizzard are such a large company, they have so many developers, and they’ve spent so many years secretly working on their mobile games
And this is all they have to show for it?
It’s not impressive, let’s put it that way. Decent is fine if you’re an indie developer, but if you’re Blizzard you should be setting the standard. This doesn’t set a standard.

But we’ll see.

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i bet at least half of the people moaning in this thread will play it at least once

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my expectations were low but boy oh boy this is below low.

this isnt 2015 - mobile gaming graphics are lightyear ahved of what blizzard presented. now im afraid for diablo immortal too.

look atgenshin impact graphics and then look at this blizzard garbo .

this is just wrong .

i prefer wow mobile in game tables compared to this.

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