šŸ˜ž Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 1)

Funny how I could let a player get under my skin while simply trying out tanking out of boredom.
He was correct in his thoughts, but they way he chose to tell it made me instantly dislike him. You do not have to be rude, if you are good riddance if you get silenced, I feel no remorse.

It seems Iā€™m not able to get any upgrades for my rogue :slightly_frowning_face:

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Nothing from weekly quest, nothing from vault and a 23 Rise I donā€™t want to do.

Also got a 21 rise I really donā€™t have motivation to do XD

At least I got a myth track augury

I run over 20 dungeons the last few days, did allmost get no loot (4 Items) and every single one of them is a replica I allready have.

I just cant get gear in M+ ā€¦ curse you Personal LOOT!



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Did you do a bunch of small tasks? If itā€™s not 100+ I usually donā€™t bother. I did some at the end when I was already 950 but thatā€™s it.

A trinket upgrade dropped for me yesterday that I needed, but another in the group needed it, too. But I took it becauseā€¦ well, I needed it.

In the vault this morning, a better version of it dropped. (Myth with speed on it)

And this of course just after upgrading the old one to max.

Feels bad man. I really wish he couldā€™ve had it now.


Yesterday my 1st BE Warrior, playing in fury spec, got kicked out of a LFR.

After two failed attempts on Nymue.

The reason was, she was doing, less than 30k DPS, bad talents and bad gear.

In the 2 attempts, I received no heals and died right at the start. I replied: ā€œItā€™s hard to DPS, when you are dead.ā€

I always copy my talents, from Icy-veins and even though, that build was probably a couple of months old, it shouldnā€™t had been that bad.

As for bad gear, the minimum ILV entrance, for that Raid was 424. It seems the attitude of Mithic+ of only wanting good gear, is slowly coming to LFR as well.

I would have understood, if I was purposely dying and going AFK to watch YouTube, but that wasnā€™t the case. I always try to pull my weight and the reason why, I didnā€™t, queue as a Tank, was because I wasnā€™t sure, my character could handle it, plus not being familiar with the tactics.

Hazelnuttygames YouTube channel, for boss guides, proved to be inefficient. The mechanics are not highlighted in the video.

I found Ready Check Pull, videos to be better.

After, I got kicked, I sent a whisper to the player, that started the argument and told him:

ā€œI play 25 characters at level 70, you better prey, you donā€™t find them.ā€

I than checked this topic, about ignoring players:

According to EliquĆ­s:

ā€œIt already works like that, you ignore one and it ignore the whole account. I have tested it with a friend and unless its changed its been in game for over a year now.ā€

So I proceeded to block the two players, that were calling my character to be kicked out and a third one that wanted to have the lead so he could kick, the low DPS players.

I copy pasted all three names 29 times on my Horde characters (25 characters level 70 and 4 level 20) and I plan to to do the same, if I ever level up a Alliance character.

Hopefully, I will never be matched with those guys again.

My BE Hunter had gone, before my BE Warrior and she had no problems finishing, the LFR raid bosses, for her weekly vault. So it wasnā€™t like, it was my first time there.

I than proceeded to check, out of curiosity, how hard was to heal those LFR raids with the following characters:

No problems, whatsoever, in keeping people alive. I couldnā€™t do anything if people got 1-2 shot right at the start, but the players, still finished the fight and got to roll on the loot.

I got kicked with this character, on Volcoross Raid.

But it was deserved. I was trying to heal the Raid before we pulled with:


And that resulted in pulling the boss, in the second attempt.

I always trusted Icy-veins talents build. But lately it leaves my characters with weird builds. Like not having, a short on demand AOE spell, on my Priests, leaving them with only Holy Nova and:

The new talent tree, is a lot more complicated than the one, I was used to have in BFA, which makes it harder, when you are dealing with 25 characters.

Even so, I donā€™t think, I should need upgraded 8/8 gear and the best talents in the game, to clear LFR.

Tbh I find, taking short courses at my work, much more enjoyable, since Iā€™m learning something useful.

Thereā€™s nothing useful about learning talent trees that can be changed, new raid bosses and mechanics. Because it all goes to the bin once itā€™s outdated.

Perhaps itā€™s time to call it quits, regarding exploring new expansions. It seems too much is required these days to perform the bare minimum in group content, even on LFR level.

I donā€™t expect to loggin and having the raid boss die instantly, but it seems everything is designed to piss people off, creating an environment where players (DPS), that are new to the raid get constantly kicked out.

Iā€™ve seen this happening, while playing in healer role and it wasnā€™t funny at all.

However I admit some deserved it, like the one that was at the starting area, while the whole group was waiting and 2 other players that queued as healers but were actually playing as DPS. Needless to say, we ended up wiping, because we didnā€™t had enough healers.

Sorry for the long rant.


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Wait really? The few times i watched guides what she did was perfect. What did she miss?

Sorry, but can i see that build? Iā€™m holy too, I can try helping you heal as one. Iā€™m not amazing but i can give you an idea at least!

In her Nymue guide, I had to rewatch, several times, till I could understand, what lines, was she mentioning, that stun the player.
In Ready Check Pull, thereā€™s a white arrow, highlighting the mechanic.

In the Smolderon guide, she mentions a debuff players have, I think it was overheated. I listened several times, but couldnā€™t understand :thinking:
Something like stacking when you have something and move when out when you have the other.
I died the first time I did the LFR on my 1st BE Holy Paladin, Deidrid, trying to understand that concept.
I found the explanation given by Ready Check Pull, much more simple. I could understand, his explanation at first try.

You can click on the armoury links, I providedā˜ļø on the other post.
The characters are: Ammy and Valadhiel.
Donā€™t worry too much about it. Iā€™ve been using these characters for Time walking runs. Their builds will be updated, when I have time to look at Icy-veins. For now, thereā€™s just too many characters to finish their weekly vault.


Thereā€™s a talent that i love called prayer circle. It causes circle of healing to make prayer of healing castā€™s go faster. Itā€™s very very useful for AoE healing. Also Holy Word:Sanctify is your friend.

( https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/character/eu/dentarg/julianne character buildā€™s there and currently selected, this is my more offensive build though as we needed damage for an alt raid fight, so I wanted to try and push mine as much as possible too, which means Iā€™m using things like empyreal blaze as well)

Also, about the Hazel guides, I can try watching them but since iā€™m familiar with the fights iā€™ll likely understand everything and have trouble seeing it from your PoV.

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Tanks pulling everything before 4th boss in WM in pugs and then being all:

When thereā€™s not enough interrupting to pull everything and survive, while not moving them out of the candles. Then they refuse to die themselves to reset the pull and just keep it going, resulting in people leaving.


Rare trinkets being a thing.

I came back to this game after a few monthā€™s break and Iā€™m a bit hesitant on playing my Preservation Evoker on TW pugs seeing how a few things has changed in many classes while I was away.

Received a whisper telling me to stop playing the game today in rather unpleasant terms.

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Dinged 60 and now I have to do Dragonflight questline :face_exhaling:


Legendaries being a thing. They just shouldnā€™t exist.

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But did you stoped playing the game?