😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

The 2 hour cd on the warband bank when I realised I had one more item I meant to put in there.


Saying goodbye to my 36-slot bags. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Got yesterday/today word back from the RP guild I applied for.

Despite my application shifting up the acceptance of the Draenei as a race to be considered to join the guild, Lightforged will not be considered.

So it makes me frown and smile at the same time. Still sucks tho.

Don’t show this post to Gabriela guys

I was a bit of a doofus when the Warband bank released. I thought the only way to access these was with that 2 hour beacon. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

Didn’t help that the tab was hidden by an addon at the bank.

I can access it via the normal bank? I hadn’t seen that mentioned anywhere …

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Yes you can, seems I wasn’t the only one who missed that. :grin:

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I think it confused a lot of us.

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Thank you <3 I’ll have to investigate. I use the guild bank more than my personal one so hadn’t noticed.

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Idk who Gabriela is.

Paralandas doth frown upon these Azerothians lack of wisdom! Call down light’s judgment upon them!

Now don’t jump your blade there, Brother. They just have different faith.

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The characters imported from Remix get the same treatment as the gear upgrades so it wiped all my bars and it wont retain the talents build I log out in.

It’s going to be a big job to set every single one up as for some reason that isn’t something we can just copy paste from char to char.


Skyward Ascent being forcibly added to my actions bars every time I change zone. I removed it for a reason and do not appreciate it coming back like a bloody boomerang.

People from both factions can join guilds.
But neutral Pandaren still cannot. D=
I also still can’t mount, says I need to reach level 10.
I’m level 44. XD

You can ride the trading post turtles. Sadly there’s no way to increase their speed though :frowning:

Indeed. I did get the riding turtle or the sea turtle long ago. THey can be fished in the garrison. XD
There was also a vicious war turtle, that is… also very slow.

I just want to save time while I run around picking herbs, they even made trailblazer take till level 51 to get! So evil. D= I’m so slow now.

Thankfully with the warbound chest, I can send myself speed enchants as well as speed gems. So when I get trailblazer again, I’ll be faster than ever before!

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That is genius :+1:t2: Really.


Thank you. I also sent myself bigger bags and some better gear. XD The gear is irrelevant, I just wanted her to have something. A while ago there was a toy to let me Xmog, which meant I could stop wearing mismatching heirlooms because they were prettier. XD
It’s so good to be able to mog now!

Edit: The economy will have so many more low level herbs and ores now. XD I can sell them again. Used to sell them with the auction house app. XD

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No comp stomp quest so no reason to do it. Sadge.