😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

Skamorak 7 hurting like a truck.

Honestly getting sick of War Mode for them Supply Drops… my Default shard I’m always stuck in solo is completely dominated by Alliance 10:1 in literally every drop. Meanwhile I join some random group in the zone and suddenly there’s no Alliance around.

Amazing balance there.

Yep, sharding seems really strange. They could balance it but don’t. It’s all horde on my realm regardless of character so it’s either basically PvE or endless pvp :dracthyr_lulmao:

My entire guildbank was wiped and all they returned to me was “6x recipe:Hot Lion Chops”.
All the stuff I could sell like event pets and mounts are lost in what they call “twisting neather”. Hours and hours lost collecting these items and no compensation for the loss of gold because I can not sell my stuff anymore.

The customer support on this makes me frown (a lot!!)


Pretty sure we ‘default’ to our own shards shared by our battlegroups… the base layer before temporarily shards are added to curb overcrowding.

And it seriously sucks…

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This absolute crap of a situation:

Frown doesn’t cut it, I’m extremely angry.


At long last.
No poster updates forever my son.

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‘‘Transmog farms are fun, Aly, you should do them more often!’’
:dracthyr_lulmao: My transmog farms in question


Depleting a 8 on NW third boss.
Either trash the vault in the void or make sure that doing so doesn’t end up as a complete waste of time.

Whenever I have to tank in a class other than Warrior, I feel unmotivated :frowning_face:

  • Paladins: I only heal.
  • DKs: I get too much dmg spikes.
  • DHs: run for my life.
  • Druids: Healer only.
  • Monks: Healer only.

I can tank 5 times in 5 Warrior characters.
I can’t tank more than twice in my other characters from other classes. That’s why I only have 2/1 of each.


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Currently how I feel as a DK compared to any other class after the heal changes and later the hp increase. I just can’t tank as anything else.

If you like it, you like it, you know :smile:

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I’m gearing my mage and the lack of tanks is annoying to say the least.
Seems like tanks don’t want to do low keys.


The following changes :
-Max ilvl at +10 instead of +7 or +8
-Mythic crests dropping from +9 instead of +8

Theses changes are unnecessary


Coren Direbrew.

I’m trying to acquire the Bubbliest Brightbrew Charm but after 30 attempts today it has still not dropped. For me.

Also, the wackadoodle scaling from this seasonal event. Sometimes Coren just explodes. Other times, despite pumping heading into them, party members explode.

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Logging on to beautiful Orgrimmar only to see lots of dead orcs at the bottom of the flight path tower who have committed suicide with various racist names and having to spend 10mins trying to find a way to report them

Angry hate filled orcs spreading their hate /sighs

I’m hoping the cleaners are in early to work on Monday and can clean up this mess and the angry orc gets a long ban


Been feeling unhappy playing Priest. I think it’s time to say goodbye to the class… :cry:

Last week i got SIX cloaks drom delves which is 5 from bountiful chests and 1 from map, this week followed up with 7th cloak from black temple weekly… Atleast it’s hero level lmao.

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was doing the Siege of Orgrimmar to farm some mogs and the Zaela fight is impossible to solo, the cannon cool down is 4 seconds and I have to hit the target a second time in 3 seconds.

I’ve solo’d it in the past I only need 2 pieces for Monk normal set which are after this fight now I can’t do it on my own.

Yeah. I think you just need 2 people now. Could try asking here or in game for it

again this thing? uff… this is so bad.