😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

Decided to go back to retail to pick up the basic S4 “the Draconic” title.

Playing remix for 2 weeks has made me realise how horrible DF is as a pug M+ healer. Everyone’s about to die all the time. Sometimes I’m about to die. Nothing hits for a little bit, it’s all 80% slams and then either I top them off in 3 seconds or they’re down.

No wonder I’ve been raid logging all my characters for months.


I don’t even enjoy my once a week venture into S4 to fill vault.


I like the raids. I really don’t like the dungeons, doubly so as healer. I’m tired of being so busy keeping other people alive that I don’t get out of the swirly in time and it blams me for 90% my health.

It’s just a bit too much rn. Starting to see why people play classic. Give me MoP classic and I might just be done with retail if TWW keeps going with this heavy hitting strategy.

I’m not even enjoying those, but I don’t like the concept of S4, the recycled season.

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I so wish I could name and shame these absolutely terrible people or that this was a reportable offense in the TOS.

I was doing heroic Siege of Orgrimmar and traded loot I thought would help someone as usual. They were very undergeared for it and throughout the run we were chatting. I ended up asking if that’s a friend group of theirs.

Turns out that they had paid gold to be there. A lot of gold. They were being boosted…by me and everyone else in the party. (If there was ever time I’d want to use profanity, it’s here but thank the gms for putting that rule here)

I’m actually mad. Not only are they scamming that poor fool, but they’re using people like me to do it for them. It’s so smart and so scummy.


It’s not uncommon in Retail either, I have no time for them.

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Is that so? I’m so glad I’m not raid pugging anymore.

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We got those Awesome Mrgl Floaters, and they don’t show on Pandaren :frowning:

Beach chair can’t be used in raids :pensive:

Just, why?

If it’s anything like other items like this, it’ll help you cheese mechanics. Back in Nathria i could cheese xy’mox by playing music.


Struggling to heal a +4 pug because people just die in oneshots, or ignore adds on bosses, or generally don’t have any understanding of how to not fall over flat. And they were all 500+, they should have been fine at that level, but we were nearly 15 mins over time.

Hate pug healing M+ in S4. Absolutely hate it. Battled my way to 1500 for the title and now I am done, out, not coming back until TWW and if it goes on in the same vein, I am just out of M+ forever. I will not heal this nonsense any more.

I was up for healing +20 pugs in S2, but I really want nothing to do with the equivalent +10s in S4.

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It just so happens that I made it to 1500 today too. I’d be up for 4s and maybe 5s at most if interested

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I’m trying to get 200 WQs for SP hidden artifact appearance and doing SL WQ again makes me realize how dreadful those were.
Legion WQ still win all the way imo.


Raid groups starting to go on hiatus until TWW already…

11 weeks to go.

Not that I blame them. I’m done with it too. My characters are basically 515, wyrm crests aren’t an upgrade, and I cba with M+ this season because I mostly heal, and healing is more stress than it’s worth atm.

But I will miss the social aspect. And the sad thing is, if we had a real season 4, with a proper new raid tier, and not the same dungeons we already did, it wouldn’t be happening at all.

Everyone’s ready for a break because they are done with this stuff. There’s no curve kills, there’s no progress. Boring, boring, boring season. Hope it’s the last fated/awakened we ever see because I simply cannot believe the game won’t bleed players for a couple of months.

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The Sparkle wings toy has a 0.7% drop chance y’all. No wonder I’ve seen a max of 1-2 people use it. I’m unsure if I should continue farming something like this at this point.


Hope you get them soon. They’re so pretty.


No one should defend fated/Awakened. Some friends who didn’t progress through are happy to get such season, so they can witness these tiers. But remix kinda tells me one can experience these tiers in some years, so that completely defeat the entire purpose of fated existing.

On top of Blizzard removing the fun part of fated raiding which was the affix. I loved to pad !! Now, I’m just reprogressing some silly gear checks with mechanics I didn’t like, such as Tornadoes being hidden by bosses (Looking at you, smolderon and Rashok)


It’s hard to experience the tiers in remix when a bunch of overpowered players trivialize the encounters.


Make your own group and don’t invite any really high geared people, just call it a chill run. You don’t even need to lead the tanks usually just do that on automatic. :slight_smile:

Something that makes me frown: I want the a specific breastplate that drops off the broken shore WQs to complete a mog for a void elf warrior. It has been weeks and everything BUT the breastplate is showing up! :tired_face: