😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

And then people leave at the slightest sign of difficulty. And considering most MoP raids aren’t flex this makes it even harder to find replacements.


Aw. I haven’t had that issue actually in remix, everyone has been really nice. We spent 3 hours on animus once!!

I had to report our tank on animus cause they kept cussing at us for failing. I didn’t feel like leaving the group because of said lockout but yeah at that point I had to just pretend I can hear the tank’s explanation and just wing it.


One could say it’s also very hard to experience tiers when most of people simply CBA doing them again within the same expansion

Valdrakken Guards trying to kill me after I leave Battlegrounds, I mean I might deserve it, but this can’t be normal. :scream:


You are seriously having the worst luck!


It happens if you have damage over time when leaving


My frown is semi-related, and that’s people with Main Character Syndrome in Remix. You know exactly who I’m talking about, probably. :sweat_smile: The people with very high stats who pull stuff without letting people get inside. This isn’t necessarily a case of being slow etc, because at times I’ve been doing nothing but holding forward ignoring all the trash they didn’t attack and STILL got locked out due to them having so much speed.

I can appreciate not wanting to wait for a full group for everything in remix, some people do afk/lag behind a lot, but I’ve had Nazgrim pulled with only 3 people in the boss room and someone who solo pulled the second boss in Scholomance as examples (though with the scholomance one the person in question couldn’t solo the boss and died - karma! :rofl:)

So yeah don’t be that person please and sorry for my ranty wall of text. :wink:

Edit: You do still get loot from them if you can’t get inside btw, but it’s just the principle of it for me.


So I was doing some M+ 10s-12s with my husband tonight, and I decided to play Elemental for a change. It’s not my main spec, so I didn’t expect to do super well but well enough to time the key.

In the last M+ we had a couple wipes from not interrupting / poor positioning, then somewhere halfway in the instance the other Warlock destro decides to say they are ‘‘boosting the shaman clearly’’. He then left in the next wipe (again not because of me). The Havoc DH then decides to chime in ‘‘well he is not completely wrong’’. We had to brick the key cause the other one had left.

I feel I should say that other than them playing pretty strong specs, they were also 10 ilevels above me, and Ele was not my main spec. I still felt hurt by their comments and disappointed in myself, and bickered with my husband in the process.

I know I should not be taking personally what strangers say to me, but I am tired of this toxic community who think they are entitled to berate others just because they have gear and are playing the Meta specs of the season…even if they are genuinely better players than me, they should be educated enough to know that they should not be actively trying to make other people feel crap just cause others are not as good as them…


Well, was it timeable? It didn’t sound like it wasn’t. I’m sorry to hear. Hope you find a nicer group next time you try

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I can imagine the thought process of “oh what a good time to come back” but also, I’m seeing people disappointed that they can’t form raid groups because nobody joins.

So many players are just done with it. Many of us already got curve, all 3 seasons, on multiple characters. Doing it again, for absolutely nothing extra, doesn’t feel good.

Awakened/Fated is a stupid concept. It only worked in Shadowlands because we were so desperate for anything that wasn’t another 8-month season. As a planned feature, it is utter tripe and an embarrassment to the people who approved it. And worse, it seems likely to be even longer than Shadowlands Fated. Assuming TWW launches after Pandaria closes, that’s 11 more weeks, having already had 6 weeks…

Barely clinging on for Remix atm, but I’m a couple of days from maxing my gear, then probably 2-3 weeks from “all the mogs™”. Idk if I will have motivation to raise any more characters through it - mostly depends on whether pug raids are being silly with ilvl requirements. I do enjoy it, but I won’t enjoy it if I have to get to ilvl 440 before I’m allowed to join normal Mogushan runs…

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I hated the affix :rofl:

My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


I didn’t even know that was a thing until it was removed. We tried queueing up as a group on the first day and it didn’t work.

I didn’t know about the shenanigans required.

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I knew it worked for comp stomp so it made sense for me, but I hate that they keep just killing all kinds of things players are doing.

Seeing there is no reward between 400-500 honor level… Gee how motivating

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If they make a promise I wish they’d keep it too.

I still am not at peace with this but here I am again : So they’ve stole us from actual content, they’ve pretty much gutted many guilds their CE for a mickey mouse content that none of the raiders asked for. Whoever signed on this should resign, period.

Or if they want awakened to be THAT try hard then curves and CE should be enabled again. That would seem fair.

I think 3 letters can express my thought regarding S4 : C B A.

I’m considering playing Cata, but as of now, I’m still having a lot of fun in remix.

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Why is it that every time I’m about to stop playing for a few months I get trust level 3


The gifwell calls to you.