😞 Something WoW Related That Made You Frown Today (Part 2)

puts tinfoil on maybe it’s their plan to make me spend 13 euro more

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They know!

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having a problem with the most creepy group of wow in the game that went on extreme level since yesterday in this 6 months

the murloc floater still not showing on pandas :frowning:

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Pugging heroic Raszageth.

She’s kind of too hard for groups averaging 510-515 ilvl, but people above that very rarely seem to apply - probably because she’s not worth their time.

Acres of 7/8 players in the application list tells me that many people are having the same issue :pensive:

(Also she’s kind of a pain even for organised groups of around this ilvl. I don’t want to use words like overtuned, but feel like she is overtuned.)

So S4 will last 4 months when 2 are enough.

Happily playing in Pandaria, when I suddenly remembered mantids (after falling over some). They were the one thing I disliked about Pandaria … horrible insecty killers.


Conspiracy theorists claiming i own multiple accounts to troll the forums with a legion of classic alts.

Also claiming i make clone characters of people and follow them around liking all their posts.

Also claiming i circumvent bans by posting on multiple accounts :joy:

Im flattered really, but im not that desperate to post here.

Still checking every day for the last whelp to finish Daycare Derby achievement.

Titanic GIF - Titanic GIFs


And 24 hours later, I’ve just succeeded in scrapping all my new higher level gear that I’d spent the last couple of hours earning and am left with the lower level gear I meant to scrap.
I shouldn’t be allowed in the game on my own …


I did that and lost not only my gear but the gems, I had to go and refarm those :grin:

I was lucky - almost all of the gems were non-scrappable and landed back in my bag. Sympathies for having to do both things again.

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They should have been non scrappable for me too but the system still made them vanish xD

He really is a ne’er-do-well.

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People already complaining about the new affixes… Zzzz


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I can’t choose what to main again :crab:

You like the look of them?

Have you narrowed it down at all?

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Paladin :dracthyr_no2:

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I have, like all the other times :joy: and eventually I decide upon a class, but I change opinion within 3-4 months top!
So far the choice is between:

  1. Warrior (I like all specs though prot is boring at times, but I don’t really like Avatar and Bladestorm or Ravager)
  2. Monk (I like all specs, but I don’t like the little representation monks have in game)
  3. Priest (but I don’t like healing, I only play shadow - though it’s my favourite ranged spec, and I really like the representation of priests in lore)
  4. Rogue (I like all specs but I don’t like that I can’t multi role if need be - which is mainly why I stopped maining rogue. That and I don’t like human rogue animations, so I would have to play forsaken, but I would like to play alliance)

I would also consider paladin cause I like all the utility and the mechanics, but I really don’t like the class fantasy.

I won’t be playing m+ or raid beyond lfr as my computer randomly restarts, and I can’t be reliable - and it’s not something I will fix anytime soon unfortunately.