+10 underrot

I tend to go for them all regardless :slight_smile:

I had the mount on my army of alts this reset so i guess i’m done in there, i’m still going +9 for the weekly chest :slight_smile:



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Horde!!! Shame :blush: we Alliance have got Scared of Dungeon community and we run +10s all the times. I tanked AD10 yesterday with Sinaaki, so much fun, we didn’t make it on time lol. Try finding a community for Horde, that’s my suggestion for you OP.


There’s a community hordeside called Zen Horde that don’t discriminate with raider io, ilevel or achievements. We run everything from low keys, high keys (think the highest is 16 or 17 atm?) and are looking at forming raid teams soon.

We’re friendly and chatty too. Message me ingame, or I’ll provide a link here later to the post with an invite, sort of tied up irl right now

There is multiple ways to get around the issue.

  • Join a guild with a good community
  • Join a discord m+ community
  • Join a discord achievement community

Why should you get your score up?
Because when you sign up for content, you are being judged by your illv, achievements and experience.
The one making the group will often pick the players that makes the experience better and easier.

Higher score means more experience in dealing with the dungeon environment. If you had to hire a carpenter and they all had the same price, you would pick the one with the best resume.

One of my friends run a achievement and mount community
https ://discord.gg/EEWTwm

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I seem to lose all my skills as a player when i go dps :laughing:

Here’s a horde community u can try to join OP: [H] Zen Horde - Chilled PvE Community

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I actually do. When my raid /m+ tank went dps for one reset, she got beaten by tank because I had no idea how windwalkers aoe

Yep, i never go dps and the few times i do i seem to mess everything up. And my dps is kinda bad aswell :laughing: but its griev and sang week, i should use this week to practice dps’ing :joy:

Thanks Sinaaki

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0 score, just spam sign for all 10 groups you can find ,one will invite you.

That’s the method I use to get my warlock into pugs.

As others have suggested, the easiest way is to push your own key. As to why you get rejected it’s really simple: given the choice I’ll always take a better geared, more meta, and more experienced player. And that I assume goes for mostly everyone else.

You’ve got the luck to be ranged this week! I haven’t got that luxury. Enjoy it while you can :wink:

I can update u i got into a +10 underrot, we made it in 22 min no problem, so care the score :slight_smile:

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