we can’t play if same computer hardware, it’s illegal, must be 2 diferent computers
I’m confused, how can you and your son play at the same time on one computer?
Well, I think 2 persons playing on the same computer is physically impossible, but one person can play with 2 accounts in the same computer
Don’t know why there were three separate responses within a few seconds.
I never said i was offended and i’m under the impression it’s the other way around.
Funny you being here defending their rules when a real moderator or Blizzard representative could actually write a response but they’re being to busy responding to nonsensical “for the lulz” threads.
But i guess the easiest way out is to tell people “if you’re offended you can always ignore me.” right?
I guess we all love talking to a brick wall it seems.
i said 2 diferent computers no same, other way it’s considered alt+tab tha’s illegal
I haven’t defended any rules. That is your presumption
I have merely explained how the game works, especially when people make presumptions that are incorrect.
No, is not
I have alt tabbed on multiple accounts, there is nothing illegal about having more than one client open at any time. I have RAFed msyelf many times in the past for mounts
a couple of days ago i reported a bunch of bots in highmountain and received a mail.
just leaving this here, cause they do take action if you report it and its warranted.
Ye got few mails like this too
Ok read.
" Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., by and through itself and/or its affiliates (“Blizzard”), considers the use of ‘unauthorized third party programs’ for hacking, cheating, botting and/or changing or facilitating gameplay to be a gross and serious violation of the Battle.net End User License Agreement (‘EULA’). An ‘unauthorized’ third party program as used herein shall be defined as any third party software, code and/or method not expressly authorized by Blizzard, including without limitation, any ‘add-on’ or ‘mod’ that in Blizzard’s sole determination:
A. enables or facilitates cheating of any type, including botting and/or changing or facilitating gameplay; "
Clearly states any third party software that can be used to bot, is against their rules.
Now tell me how exactly using a program that allows you to click once and then it clicks 10 more times on other accounts, not be used to bot ?
A botting program can be used with this multiboxing software/addon to bot more efficiently.
So they clearly violate their rules, the problem is, it’s all down to blizzards interpretation and decision on what is and isn’t allowed and because Multiboxing brings in a large amount of revenue, they consider it fine to use, if however you get video proof of people botting, sure they will eventually ban them.
So, your whole reply to me was " Irrelevant " as you put it.
It is funny how you deliberately has left out the part when Blizzard said that multiboxing is allowed without any place for interpretation. Precisely in none of those rules you quoted Blizzard determine what is considered automation againts the rules. Thankfully Blizzard has already give a sentence clarifing that multiboxing it is not againts the rules.
“Multiboxing, or playing multiple World of Warcraft accounts at once, is not a violation of our Terms of Use. We do not support multiboxing tools.”
Well, this is were you are wrong. You are wrong when you want anyone to explain anything, there is nothing to explain, because rules are rules, rules are not explained. The only valid about the rules is if said it or not, if there is nothing in the rules that clarify it then you should look over judicial sentences by the apropiate authority. You shouldn’t ask me to explain me why multiboxing is not an automation, you should ask me where in the rules said that multiboxing is automation.
Well, you are starting to understand how a judicial system works, just like it can be aplied to laws it could be applied to the games rules. Rules or laws are what it is, what is written and nothing else. If something it is not clear in those rules you can’t say it is legal or illegal until there is a sentence by the judicial power who has authority over the rules. Only the opinion of that power in forms of sentences change the truth about the rules, because sentences are also part of the rules. In this case Blizzard. Of course Blizzard’s interpretation is the only thing that make multiboxing legal, they are the jusges of the game rules, they are who chose what is legal or illegal.
What you are not capable of understand is that your interpretation about the rules are irrelevant, because you are not authority who can impose his sentence.
What I find funny is they have stated it’s not against the rules, for situations like this. Then you have people copy and pasting a rule thinking Blizzard need to follow it blindly even though they are the god of the rule book.
It’s like someone running up to a fisherman and screaming “murder is against the law!!” Fisherman… “that applies to Humans” it clearly states murder!!! You took it’s life! it’s murder!
Look at my post earlier in the thread. “3rd party software!!!” So your mouse and keyboard should get you banned too then? No reply.
Very nice!!
Some players are delusional thinking that regarding the rules Blizzard is on the same level as we players and so they must follow their rules as we do. The reality is that Blizzard actually is not only not restricted by their own rules, by definition they are incapable of breaking the rules because any action they made against the rules means the rules are changes to make their actions legal.
If we compare the game rules with real-life rules then players are normal citizens, but Blizzard is the executive, legislative and judicial powers without any kind of separation in what only can be compared with an authoritarian government or an absolute monarchy, or maybe a benevolent dictator because at least their decision must respect players rights due to actual real-life laws and also because they won’t make some decisions that could harm their business. An authoritarian government or an absolute monarch is not capable to make illegal decisions, no matter how horrendous it is, because they bend the laws with their will.
software drivers are especific to put hardware funcional, aditional software to use with keyborard and mouse it’s total diferent, if you are a programmer you can edit or do whatever you want (it’s illegal) but you can use it with your hardware and Blizz can ban you for use 3rd party software even if not edited. So mouse and keyborad work with especific drivers Blizz know them.
Using 3rd party software it is not against the rules just becuase it is 3rd party software. It depends on what the software do. A clearly example is the software use to play WOW with console controllers, mapping controller input into keyboard input. It is so allowed that Blizzard will make it part of the official client in Shadowland.
that’s it, sorry about sometimes my english not perfect, but i try express myself
I like how I left a link to the page I took that rule from, it clearly does state, that using a third party program that can enable botting is against the rules.
Multiboxing software CAN ENABLE botters to bot more efficiently, therefore it’s clearly against their rules.
I like how you also leave parts out, but because I’m not a person who wants to nit pick and be rude towards others, i wont bother continuing this discussion.
Your a very rude and obnoxious person, I hope you do realize this one day
I also never claimed that all multiboxers, bot.
I claimed a lot of them do, which is true, which is also why I and many others report them with proof, but months down the line they still exist.
Botting is a huge problem on retail, it’s not being addressed properly, that much is clear, you can’t deny that.
Multiboxing is not necessarily Botting. Multiboxing is within the rules, Botting is not.
Software to multibox is not against the rules. Botting software is against the rules.