100/12 Horde VS Alliance Mythic Castle Nathria

They just have less money to pay for boosting, that’s all

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Racial bias caused this, just remember that folks :wave:

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It’s gotten worse since BfA. It’ll continue to get worse.

Eventually the situation will become so dire that Blizzard are forced to act.

In terms of gameplay the solution is easy: Let Horde and Alliance play together.

The crux is the story. There has to be a story basis for such a change in gameplay. And if it has to appear credible, then it has to be told naturally and not shoehorned through in a single patch.

So that’s probably the challenge ahead of Blizzard. They need the figure out a story that can facilitate Horde and Alliance being side by side and then get there in a reasonable time frame.

Well, that’s basically every story so far. Even when we are “at war” at the start, we always end up as best buddies that unite to get rid of the latest common threat.

There is no challenge to implementing it because the story frequently have cooperation between the Horde and Alliance, and other smaller factions that doesn’t even have racial restrictions.

Nothing would stop a tauren from actually join the Alliance.

As an unyielding enemy of faction imbalance and injustice you can find details here about it.

I’m glad there are more people talking about it, I’ve have been trying to increase awareness related to that problem as well.

We had that with Dwarf racial, nerfhammer was a few hours later. So I suspect pve balancer clowns are either intentionally trying to create such a bad environment for Alliance raiding or they are just stupid and imcompetent.

Ah, it seems I’m not the only one thinking about this.

It was the first, perhaps there could’ve been followers. Imagine them disabling Goblin Jump during Kil’jaeden fight, or imagine Blood Elf racial not dispelling during Zul fight. Turning a racial into useless is not the right decision, they ain’t fair.

They also postponed another disaster by bringing PvP gearing, I was ready to quit personally if I were to get killed by PvE farmer hordes in arena, I won’t stay in a game where I am Alliance and have to do PvE to be competitive inside arena. We could’ve witness literal collapse of this faction in a short time without PvP gearing system if PvE had the same impact on PvP as BfA did.

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actulay could be both, you se it is kind of an smart move if they directly manage to lower the number of one faction buy a lot, and then eigher change how factions work, or make one faction only, you se the whining about it would be way less, when there kind of already is only one faction left.
offcourse those die hard anti alliance/horde would still cry but way less, than if that where to happen now.

this is actulay one reason I want merc mode off, becuse as I said now horde get all the goodness, and can join as merc to farm honor, not realy doing much in bgs, seen it plenty of time, not all offcourse but some are, and once they are got the gear they need, they go back and que for horde only, I even know a couple who said they do it like this, becuse the que times are so good on alliance side.

There is not enough pressure from Alliance too about this. Alliance battleground winrates are normally much higher, it gets taken down by troll mercenaries or low iLvL mercenaries who are trying to leech honor in random bgs.

If they choose the more crowded faction then there must be consequence of it, which is long que times. That way you can encourage them to make an Alliance alt at least for short que time random bgs and perhaps later on same people will participate in PvE as well.

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People rarely join pvp to just lose, so it isn’t mercenaries that grief that causes losses.

Except wintergrasp.

not all do, but you only need one or two in a bg and you can loose, combine that whit many of them beeing freshly dinged chars, it just doesnt work, alliance has their own of that, and in no need to have horde mercs also doing it, this is one huge reason why you can on alliance side se over half of your team beeing realy undergeard.

At the core of the Warcraft story lies the tension and conflict between the Horde and the Alliance.

It may be that keen WoW players have duly noted that the story often errs toward unity against a common foe. But that doesn’t detract from the fact that WoW presents itself to the whole gaming community as red versus blue. Horde versus Alliance. Without knowing anything else, everyone knows that to be true of the foundation for WoW’s story.

That is what Blizzard needs to change, and it may be easy to convey that story change to veteran WoW players who are in the loop. But there’s a broader audience it needs to be conveyed to as well. After all, a change to WoW is a change to Warcraft, and Warcraft will inevitably outlive WoW, so Blizzard needs a story basis that they are happy with 10 or 15 years down the road. It ain’t just a matter of fixing the faction balance for the next raid tier.

Except it doesn’t. The Horde VS Alliance people are clamouring about ended in WC2. With warcraft 3 we were introduced to new factions, Thralls new Horde, Theramore, Night Elves, Scourge, Forsaken, Illidan’s Alliance… Most of it thrown away in WoW with absurd alliances such as Night Elves joining an Alliance they have no relation to on the other side of the world and Theramore which should very much be hated by the Alliance for causing the death of Daelin and their fleet.

Except it does.

World of Warcraft Face Off T-Shirt - Mens (blizzardgearstore.com)

This and lots more sets an expectation for someone wanting to play WoW. It has to matter.
Just like when SW:ToR came out and it did a lot to present itself as Jedi versus Sith and making choices and such. That was the lure, so the game obviously had to deliver on that.
WoW presents itself on faction versus faction. Blizzard can change that. But it’s not an easy change, because it’s how the game is presented everywhere. In-game. In community. In advertisement. In merchandise. In story. And so on. It is a fundamental, and no company ever changes the DNA of one of their most successful IP’s at a whim.

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As a Horde I disagree. People join as merc for one simple reason: faster queue, faster gear. I really don’t know anybody who joins as merc to troll. Nobody cares about that enough to waste their time trolling. There’s honor to farm.

However, merc is unfair like I said earlier. It shouldn’t exist because it basically removes one of the few advantages of playing the underdog.

Only for advertising, all other instance of it is either contractionary or detrimental to the game.

Disagree. But I won’t bother to pile on the reasons why.
Regardless, we seem to only disagree on whether or not Blizzard can/should/will change the story quickly to accommodate cross-faction gameplay. I say they won’t do it quickly. You say they will.
Time will tell.

They have said themselves that it’s a quick fix.

So it boils down to stubbornness.

No, it shows Alliance has less players than Horde.

People who care strongly about PVE go Horde because it’s the most competitive faction and where a vast majority of PvErs go. It has nothing to do with skill. If we go by sheer numbers, technically the Horde has MORE worse players just because it’s where everyone flocks to.

They have said no such thing.

There was a Forbes interview a few months ago where Ion Hazzikostas said the following:

Newman: Finally, let’s return to one of our perennial topics – faction balance in high-end dungeons and raids. Most groups for that content are Horde. There was that brief moment in the Shadowlands beta where everybody wanted to be dwarves to handle that bleed ability in the Castle Nathria raid. I think it lasted five seconds until it was nerfed.

Hazzikostas: That was one ability in one encounter, and all immunities got nerfed so that you wouldn’t stack paladins. Dwarves are still great for immuning off bleeds in, I think, four different encounters in Castle Nathria.

Newman: Any chance we might someday be able to group with our Horde and Alliance friends, the way our faction leaders have done?

Hazzikostas: Oh Heather, look at that — it looks like we’re out of time. [He smiles.]

Newman: God damn it.

Hazzikostas: [laughs] We are obviously aware that it’s a problem. The challenge is, at this point, primarily a social one. There isn’t a mechanical advantage to being one faction or the other.

But the division between Horde and Alliance has been such an integral part of World of Warcraft. We are grappling with reconciling that with the natural desire to play with your friends, or have more-ready access to groups. But we have nothing to announce at this point.

Warcraft Director Discusses Success, Regrets And Balance In Shadowlands: The Hazzikostas Q&A (forbes.com)

Blizzard would never, and have never, gone out and said that such a nuanced problem and design dilemma is a quick fix.

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